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Cruise passengers can be blinded to the very real perils of the sea by ship operators unwilling to interrupt the party for security warnings. And after an incident occurs, a thorough investigation can be profoundly difficult when the crime scene literally floats away, on schedule, to its next port of call  (Scene Quotes) There is a compulsion that is perhaps the heart of life’s meanings, this marvelous mystery of blood ties that brings joy whenever a new family member comes on the scene  (Scene Quotes) A statue in a garden is to be considered as one part of a scene or landscape  (Scene Quotes) When a guy writes a scene where a woman does a deviant sex act on camera, it’s objectifying. But when a woman writes it, it’s feminism  (Scene Quotes) I’ve done roles before where I’ve wanted to be buff and sort of fit or whatever. And I like to try and be a little bit fit because there’s usually one scene in a movie where you’ve got to run, which means you’ve got to run for about five hours nonstop. So, for me, it’s just worthwhile being fit because doing a movie can be kind of grueling for six, seven, eight weeks. Or 12 weeks  (Scene Quotes) You never really know what the director has got in his mind as far as the scene visually and art direction wise  (Scene Quotes) Probably my favorite thing about watching a movie that I’m in the first time is to see all the things I didn’t know were happening in a scene around me  (Scene Quotes) You don’t have a lot of time to massage a scene into oblivion. It’s like you do it, you get a couple of good takes, and then you move on, so you have to be very spontaneous as an actor and have done your homework, and I like that  (Scene Quotes) I’m always repeating myself. You never just do a scene once, you do it an insane amount of times  (Scene Quotes) I do think that I never got tied down to any social scene. I was just into creating stuff  (Scene Quotes) I never want to write something until I know every scene in the movie. I don’t want someone hiring me and then me not being able to write it. Which is always a fear. So I like to figure it out, know all the characters, and know almost every scene in the movie before I start writing  (Scene Quotes) I feel that music on the screen can seek out and intensify the inner thoughts of the characters. It can invest a scene with terror, grandeur, gaiety, or misery. It can propel narrative switftly forward, or slow it down. It often lifts mere dialogue into the realm of poetry. Finally, it is the communicating link between the screen and the audience, reaching out and enveloping all into one single experience  (Scene Quotes) Rock and roll is dying. It’s frightening to think about the music scene 20 years from now  (Scene Quotes) I think I realized very early on that you can spend a lot of time constructing a really perfect scene in final draft and just end up throwing it away because you didn’t figure out that mathematics of the story first  (Scene Quotes) I love any scene where there’s a physical confrontation. It reminds me that I’m in show business and I play pretend for a living  (Scene Quotes) I would be lying if I didn’t admit there might be a scene in the movie where there might be alcohol in my system  (Scene Quotes) Every actor wants to get their two cents in about a scene at the end of the day  (Scene Quotes) When you print out your manuscript and read it, marking up with a pen, it sometimes feels like a criminal returning to the scene of a crime  (Scene Quotes) Sometimes the scene just comes together, and other times, we have to build the scene from scratch, just using different takes  (Scene Quotes) It’s taking our officers much longer to respond to an accident because they have to fight their way through all of the traffic just to get to the scene  (Scene Quotes) Elvis changed the country music scene quite a bit; he almost put country music out of business  (Scene Quotes) If there’s a gun on the wall in act one, scene one, you must fire the gun by act three, scene two. If you fire a gun in act three, scene two, you must see the gun on the wall in act one, scene one  (Scene Quotes) It was certainly a good death scene. I’m endlessly perishing in roles but it’s a wonderful thing to be asked to do  (Scene Quotes) It was like passing the scene of a highway accident and being relieved to learn that nobody had been seriously injured  (Scene Quotes) I don’t like to direct the actors by telling them what to do. If anything, it’s reminding them where they are in the movie, what’s happening emotionally and what they want in the scene  (Scene Quotes) I think there needs to be people that are doing something different in music. There’s a need for that as much as there’s a need for a scene  (Scene Quotes) If you try to deliver a funny line in a funny way, it comes out as wacky and you ruin the scene  (Scene Quotes) I get a terminal dissatisfaction on films. If I was bad in one scene, it’s impossible to let go. And it can make or break my day. If I drank, I would probably drink a lot  (Scene Quotes) Even when you’re acting with a producing hat, when you’re in every scene, you’re really conscious of trying to make everybody as good as they are, because ultimately you’re trying to make the best movie possible  (Scene Quotes) I always choose music based on whatever the scene calls for, or whatever my mood is supposed to be  (Scene Quotes)
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