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It’s like a piece of music; you never lose sight of the theme. Each scene pushes off to the next like music builds and you can almost hear the next chord progression, so it has a strict structure, which is very compelling  (Scene Quotes) Many people think voice over artists just read, there’s much more to it. Without acting beats, scene study and improving skills, you won’t make it  (Scene Quotes) I think I must have too much to eat, we were doing a scene where we were crawling, and I ripped my trousers. I was very embarrassed. I was sown in, stitched in, quickly!  (Scene Quotes) When an aggressor comes on the scene, at least one other state will eventually take direct responsibility for checking it  (Scene Quotes) And that’s why I chose on purpose not to have a death scene. We’ve seen them in a million movies and it’s too much like cranking the tears out. I didn’t want that scene  (Scene Quotes) I have no memory for what happens in what books. I don’t know when I might remember a scene, but beats me what book it’s in because there are 14 of them now  (Scene Quotes) I think as long as there are folks on the fringe who want to make movies, the indie scene will still be around. I do think it’s getting harder to get them seen though  (Scene Quotes) It was a turning point in the sense that as a scene, we can up with a lot of new ideas  (Scene Quotes) The real intimidating stuff is the scene where you show up for the first day. You kind of square off, and that is where you look each other in the eye  (Scene Quotes) Language cannot describe the scene that followed; the shouts, oaths, frantic gestures, taunts, replies, and little fights; and therefore I shall not attempt it  (Scene Quotes) I didn’t feel like going any further in this scene with the boy. He was not a professional actor, and if I had pushed the scene any further it would have destroyed the tone of the movie  (Scene Quotes) In films, the fact that you can always do a scene again takes a load off your mind, enabling you to strive for perfection, which I always wanted  (Scene Quotes) I couldn’t really relate to the fraternity or party scene, to the people out in the mall every day protesting one thing or another. I felt like there was no one I could relate to  (Scene Quotes) I feel that the thing that probably aided me the most in that scene with the dog was the utilization and using an actual recreation, affective memory, if you want to call it, of pain  (Scene Quotes) I was through as a manager. I did become involved late in the 1968 campaign at the national scene at the last minute. But I was through as a manager, and I’ve stayed through, incidentally  (Scene Quotes) Here I am once more in this scene of dissipation and vice, and I begin already to find my morals corrupted  (Scene Quotes) It’s easy to be emotional. You can always make a scene... Highs and lows make you feel that things matter, but they’re nothing. So what’s something? Being reliable is something. Being good  (Scene Quotes) It is only through a devoted attention to the details of objects and faces in the modern urban scene, he argues, that the commodity fetish of capitalism can be effectively dispelled  (Scene Quotes) I didn’t know whether to run from my seat... I was in the line of fire. My desk is now a crime scene  (Scene Quotes) Life in itself is neither good nor evil; it is the scene of good or evil, as you make it  (Scene Quotes) A dusty thudding in his head made the scene before him beat like a pulse. His mouth had been used as a latrine by some small creature of the night and then as its mausoleum  (Scene Quotes) Getting to know someone is like investigating a crime scene where the culprit is constantly allowed to rearrange the evidence  (Scene Quotes) There health, so wild and gay, with bosom bare and rosy cheek, keen eye, and flowing hair, trips with a smile the breezy scene along and pours the spirit of content in song  (Scene Quotes) From the respect paid to property flow, as from a poisoned fountain, most of the evils and vices which render this world such a dreary scene to the contemplative mind  (Scene Quotes) Horror itself in that fair scene looks gay, and joy springs up e’en in the midst of fear  (Scene Quotes) A long, exact, and serious comedy; in every scene some moral let it teach, and, if it can, at once both please and preach  (Scene Quotes) No traces left of all the busy scene, but that remembrances says: The things have been  (Scene Quotes) Polaroid sunglasses work by blocking out all the photons that do not have a certain polarization, making the scene being viewed by the wearer of the glasses darker  (Scene Quotes) But I did that, and I created another blues scene, another something I can sing about  (Scene Quotes) And you can’t hide in a comedy scene either. You have to give in to the scene and commit  (Scene Quotes)
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