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Warren Street was at the high end of the New Romantic scene. They were mostly college art students and people who knew top designers.  (Scene Quotes) Almost every scene, I re-think as I’m about to start drawing it, and at least half of the time I’m changing dialogue or whatever, or adding scenes or different things.  (Scene Quotes) Real art is basic emotion. If a scene is handled with simplicity - and I don’t mean simple - it’ll be good, and the public will know it.  (Scene Quotes) When I was an art student in the early 60’s before the acid scene began I was smoking pot just like anyone else who was an artist.  (Scene Quotes) With moviemaking, the audience always has to keep asking, ‘What happens next?’ If you have the wrong piece of music over a scene, people aren’t going to get the scene. If you have the wrong camera angle, people aren’t going to pay attention. That’s as much a part of the process as getting people to talk to you.  (Scene Quotes) When I’m actually assembling a scene, I assemble it as a silent movie. Even if it’s a dialog scene, I lip read what people are saying.  (Scene Quotes) I have always been good at auditioning, but maybe because I had a good trick at the beginning. I would pretend that my agent gave me the wrong scene or lines. They would take pity on me and hand me the right scene. I would act like I had never seen this before - and then do pretty well considering I had already rehearsed it.  (Scene Quotes) I throw raps that attack like the Japs on Pearl Harbor. MC’s be out like bank robbers, Fleeing the scene, to be a sole survivor; DJ...the getaway driver.  (Scene Quotes) Where´s my leadin´ lady? Let me try this new love scene on you, baby.  (Scene Quotes) The key is just to ignore the pain, because physical comedy only works if you see someone get hurt and they aren’t actually hurt. If someone gets hit in the face with a bat, falls down, and gets back up, it’s funny. If they stay down and their jaw is wired shut in the next scene, it’s really tragic and weird. You have to pretend it doesn’t hurt.  (Scene Quotes) Perhaps it’s true you can’t go back in time, but you can return to the scene of a love, of a crime, of happiness, and of a fateful decision; the places are what remain, are what you can possess, are what is immortal.  (Scene Quotes) When I look at a character, whether he’s good or bad, one scene or 10 scenes, I just have to find my way in.  (Scene Quotes) The scene we shot with Charlie Rose was actually the last piece that was ever shot for ‘Breaking Bad.’ My daughter and I flew to New York; we got to shoot in the ‘Charlie Rose’ studio. Adam Godley and Jessica Hecht are such expert performers that we were able to get it very beautifully and very quickly.  (Scene Quotes) If you get a bad script, then you start expending energy trying to make a silk purse of a sow’s ear. When the script’s as good as those on ‘Game of Thrones,’ say, I don’t think there was a single occasion where any of us thought there was a bad scene.  (Scene Quotes) In movies, you don’t get reactions: Live, when you do a joke, you know in a second whether it’s good or bad. But in a movie, since no one is allowed to laugh or do anything, when you’re done with a scene, you’re left asking, ‘Was that funny?’  (Scene Quotes) I really dig the scene that’s happening now, I really do, because there might be a lot of bad things going on, but if out of all of those bad things ten per cent of the groovy part of it stays, wow... you can’t beat that.  (Scene Quotes) You have to learn how to act a pop song. You have to find the balance of the pop from the pop song and the lyrical significance of the scene you are in.  (Scene Quotes) There is a scene in one comic from the 60s- 70s where Batman finds a film, a newsreel film, of his father. This newsreel film is from the 50s, and his father has come to this costume ball in a Zorro costume, which strangely enough looks a lot like a Batman suit in the footage.  (Scene Quotes) A lot of times, the choice of the right song will save a scene. Or there will be a scene that’s a little flat and you put in the right song and somehow it just comes alive.  (Scene Quotes) I grew up with classical music when I was a ballet dancer. Now when I have to prepare an emotional scene, to cry or whatever, I listen to sonatas. Vivaldi and stuff. It’s just beautiful to me.  (Scene Quotes) Acting had always been the social scene I’d fallen into. It was sort of a merry band of band geeks and theater nerds.  (Scene Quotes) It’s a weird scene. You win a few baseball games and all of a sudden you’re surrounded by reporters and TV men with cameras asking you about Vietnam and race relations.  (Scene Quotes) I was born in San Francisco. I was raised in Oakland, so I’m, like, super Bay Area born, and, you know, it’s just really multicultural up there, and there’s a lot of subcultures just from, like, anything, like from rockabilly to, like, crazy punk scenes to, you know, a huge rap scene, and there’s just all kinds of things you can do out there.  (Scene Quotes) Those scenes on the beach on ‘Lost’ were so much fun. When it was a whole group scene, you’d just pop in with a line here and a line there, and there was a little activity, and you essentially spend the day with your friends on the beach. What an amazing working environment.  (Scene Quotes) The transformation scene, where man is becoming insect and insect has become at least man and beyond that - a flying, godlike, shimmering, diaphanous, beautiful creature.  (Scene Quotes) Now, what sort of person would write a scene where a young man stumbles upon a castle full only of beautiful young women? Answer: ME!  (Scene Quotes) The same camera that photographs a murder scene can photograph a beautiful society affair at a big hotel.  (Scene Quotes) Portland is the perfect weekend getaway. I studied acting in Portland and lived there for five years. It’s a small city with so much to do. There’s beautiful scenery, a great bar scene, and so many fabulous restaurants.  (Scene Quotes) If you think you are beautiful in a scene, you will come across as beautiful. I don’t think looks are important; I think what’s important is if someone is sexy.  (Scene Quotes) I did a short film at Outfest, ‘Where Are the Dolls,’ based on an Elizabeth Bishop poem done, where I play this woman who is sort of walking the streets and ends up alone dancing in a club. I have this hot and heavy scene with a very beautiful actress. It became very popular.  (Scene Quotes)
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