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Scenery Quotes

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The most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery is its wilderness  (Scenery Quotes) After a few months you stop noticing every incarnation of radicalism and violence. It is so saturated into your reality that it practically fades into the scenery  (Scenery Quotes) My method is vertical rather than horizontal so the scenery does not change but the texture does  (Scenery Quotes) I believe in people. I feel, love, need and respect people above all else, including natural scenery, organized piety and nationalistic superstructures. One human figure on the slope of a mountain can make the mountain disappear for me, one person fighting for truth can disqualify for me the entire system which had dispensed it  (Scenery Quotes) While voicing animations I use the same acting muscles, even more because you have to channel all into your voice, whereas when you’re live-action you get props and scenery and other actors and your facial expressions and what happens to help you. It’s not necessarily easier as an actor to do voice-overs, it’s easier as a person  (Scenery Quotes) I feel more meditative when I don’t have a home. I like being put into a new place and making friends with people from a different culture, trying to find the lines of communication. It’s a lot of reflection of myself and seeing new scenery  (Scenery Quotes) Sometimes ‘great acting’ is just showing off - chewing up scenery and dialogue and other actors - the equivalent of a theatrical sugar rush  (Scenery Quotes) Life passes by now like the scenery outside a car window. I breathe and eat and sleep as I always did, but there seems to be no great purpose in my life that requires active participation on my part...I do not know where I am going or when I will get there.  (Scenery Quotes) Go to a cemetery for the scenery. After you die, go back to the cemetery to become one with nature.  (Scenery Quotes) You know what I’d really like to do the most right now? Climb up to the top of some high place like the pyramids. The highest place I can find. Where you can see forever. Stand on the very top, look all around the world, see all the scenery, and see with my own eyes what’s been lost from the world.  (Scenery Quotes) I’ve backpacked to countries like Italy and Turkey and observed beautiful scenery, but then I realized that beauty was always very close to me. It is here in Belitung Island, where the rivers, beaches and the terrain captivate my attention most.  (Scenery Quotes) New Zealand was one of the most beautiful countries to drive through for the scenery and the vast scale of the place.  (Scenery Quotes) When we rejoice in beautiful scenery, great art, and great music, it is but the flexing of instincts acquired in another place and another time.  (Scenery Quotes) Portland is the perfect weekend getaway. I studied acting in Portland and lived there for five years. It’s a small city with so much to do. There’s beautiful scenery, a great bar scene, and so many fabulous restaurants.  (Scenery Quotes) I just want to see around beautiful things. I don’t realise how much I miss out on just seeing beautiful scenery.  (Scenery Quotes) I suppose, to be fair, I don’t miss the energy of youth very much - because I was never fit. So it doesn’t matter not being able to walk miles, striding the countryside, taking deep breaths and enjoying the scenery. That was never on my agenda.  (Scenery Quotes) A friend of mine had this great theory about the Teletubbies, that it’s preparing us for being mindless. And getting us ready for living in an underground world. That’s why the scenery is so flat.  (Scenery Quotes) A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I’m a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen.  (Scenery Quotes) The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.  (Scenery Quotes) Never buy hardcover books. They are designed to sell to those who don’t actually read. Along with books, many other things can be read: natural scenery, love, officialdom, business¡  (Scenery Quotes) California ... produces the maximum of scenery and the minimum of weather ...  (Scenery Quotes) Life is like a dogsled race. If you ain’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.  (Scenery Quotes) Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.  (Scenery Quotes) Take a good hard look in the mirror, and remember yourself as you are today, cause as time changes, so does the scenery.  (Scenery Quotes) ...childlike wonder and awe have died. The scenery and poetry and music of the majesty of God have dried up like a forgotten peach at the back of the refrigerator.  (Scenery Quotes) I love San Francisco, and it offers spectacular scenery of the city, and it adds to the uplifting quality of the movie.  (Scenery Quotes) You don’t have to be Einstein to see that horse racing is dangerous. Those two ambulances driving behind you aren’t there for the scenery. I will never get over the fatalities of colleagues. It is the saddest and toughest part of this sport.  (Scenery Quotes) In both business and personal life, I’ve always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.  (Scenery Quotes) In designing the scenery and costumes for any of Shakespeare’s plays, the first thing the artist has to settle is the best date for the drama. This should be determined by the general spirit of the play more than by any actual historical references which may occur in it.  (Scenery Quotes) I doubt whether I ever read any description of scenery which gave me an idea of the place described.  (Scenery Quotes)
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