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The Men of Faith will play the cup-bearers at this lifelong bacchanal, filling and ever filling again with the warm liquor that the Intelligences, in sad and sober privacy behind the scenes, will brew for the intoxication of their subjects.  (Scenes Quotes) Of course, women have long exercised influence behind the scenes. A few thousand years ago this drove Aristotle to distraction: ‘What difference does it make whether women rule or the rulers are ruled by women? The result is the same.’  (Scenes Quotes) You don’t need to be primary caregiver of your children to be of primary influence in their lives. What you do for them behind the scenes in your own unique way is what makes the true difference in the long run.  (Scenes Quotes) There is a lack of humor in fashion. To me, it’s always been the fun, cool industry to work in, and I always wanted people to be on my side and see how much fun we really have behind the scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) ‘Fast and Furious’ is a well-oiled machine. Those guys really know what they’re doing. The guys that work behind the scenes are just as important as the ones in front of the cameras. They are car enthusiasts. They live and breathe this world.  (Scenes Quotes) You think about D.C. as a boring stuffy place. That’s kind of its image. But if you grow up in that, you see all these energetic, fun people and crazy stuff that happens behind the scenes that no one knows about.  (Scenes Quotes) E-Verify is a very commonsense reform that we can implement here in the state of Florida. I think I share a lot of Floridians’ frustration that it didn’t pass and a lot of the politics that were taking place behind the scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) A producer is always behind the scenes, even more in the movies - nobody sees you. I didn’t even meet most of the actors. When I worked on ‘Top Gun,’ I never met Tom Cruise. You were always in the background.  (Scenes Quotes) When people first started watching UFC, it seemed like a no-holds barred event... early on it looked like all the fighters were crazy. Actually, there are a lot of techniques, and the reality shows have let people see the fighters behind the scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) A lot of people think medicine hunting is all Chris trekking through the jungle. Or, for that matter, the chiefs and (male) elders he works with. The men get the headlines, but it’s the women behind the scenes who are doing the planting and harvesting and chopping.  (Scenes Quotes) If you cannot reconcile the difference between the elite that stay behind the scene and the right of the people, that’s going to be forever chaos. It’s time to compromise, to allow more democracy. Those who are stay behind the scenes must hand off and observe the law.  (Scenes Quotes) I love ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ - it seems to offer up new layers every time you read it. I also love Kate Atkinson’s ‘Behind The Scenes At The Museum’ - that’s the book that started me writing.  (Scenes Quotes) No manager in the world gets good results all the time and you know there’s people always ready to have a snipe. In fact I’m my own biggest critic, I really am. Because my own standards are so high, I criticise myself behind the scenes more than perhaps I should, according to people who know me well.  (Scenes Quotes) See, because I played behind the scenes so much I already knew what to expect. So I started getting myself ready. I was creating work for myself to do. People were telling me to take a rest and saying damn, you already acting like you going on MTV or something. In my mind I was because I knew it was what I’d have to do in the near future.  (Scenes Quotes) Everyone sees the glory moments, but they don’t see what happens behind the scenes  (Scenes Quotes) The irony is that musical artists have enormous public voices, but behind the scenes we’re voiceless, actually.  (Scenes Quotes) I often don’t like seeing how different things are made. I’m not a big fan of behind the scenes stuff.  (Scenes Quotes) Being in the pulpit, was like being in the theatre; I was behind the scenes and knew how the illusion worked.  (Scenes Quotes) I am an owner who prefers to stay behind the scenes and allow my staff to do what they do best  (Scenes Quotes) I can’t think of an instance at MSNBC where anything I said on the air was influenced by what was going on behind the scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) I’ve wanted to make movies for so long. I learned most of what I know from director commentaries and behind the scenes featurettes and criterions.  (Scenes Quotes) I think that behind the scenes the Pope [Francis] is seen as more of a religious figure, but obviously he is sort of a global political figure.  (Scenes Quotes) I’d like to build my company and make a bigger company always, but I think in the behind the scenes arena is where I’d prefer to spend my time.  (Scenes Quotes) As a newspaper reporter, I covered and was around a fair number of crime scenes involving juvenile delinquents, and few things bothered me more than listening to their parents. Crying, ranting, proclaiming how great their children were despite being kicked out of school or previous run-ins with the law.  (Scenes Quotes) Watching the completed version of The Two Towers for example, I was very conscious of scenes - sometimes whole sequences - that I had seen being filmed or edited but which hadn’t made it into the final cut.  (Scenes Quotes) I’m always being told by directors that I add chemistry to scenes, so I mean how difficult could it be?  (Scenes Quotes) For ages, in my lunch hours, I would just go round and choreograph fight scenes. For fun. So now I’m very good at being thrown around. I bounce, in the words of my friends.  (Scenes Quotes) I like being the lead but I like being in an ensemble. There are different challenges and dilemmas with both. If you’re carrying a film, there’s a certain weight, but there are a lot of scenes to explore the character. When you’re in an ensemble, you have to convey the entire character in a limited number of scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) And once you live a good story, you get a taste for a kind of meaning in life, and you can’t go back to being normal; you can’t go back to meaningless scenes stitched together by the forgettable thread of wasted time.  (Scenes Quotes) No nude scenes. No sex-symbol parts. I want people to recognize me for my work, not just for being pretty.  (Scenes Quotes)
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