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There’s something really fun about being scared, and I guess that was at least part of why I wanted to film certain scenes from my new book, ‘Skeleton Creek.’  (Scenes Quotes) Sometimes writers of no talent at all can write great acting scenes. Sometimes the very best writers can’t write scenes that come to life.  (Scenes Quotes) One of the things that I first remember wanting to be was a ‘geolisty’ - that was the best I could say when I was a kid. That was right after I stopped wanting to be a fireman or a truck driver. Because my dad is a paleontologist who worked with the Smithsonian, I got to see the bones up close and the exhibits behind the scenes there.  (Scenes Quotes) Pitch Perfect 2,’ those scenes are super fun. It’s just me and John Michael Higgins, and we’ve been friends for so long, we just have the best time. Anything I do with him is some of my favorite stuff.  (Scenes Quotes) I love working with the Farrelly brothers. I’m a big fan and feel very lucky to have gotten to work with them a few times. One thing that I learned while working with them is that you have to keep your cell phone off when filming scenes, or you owe them a lot of money!  (Scenes Quotes) The biggest difference for me is momentum. On a smaller film you get to shoot sometimes four or five scenes a day and you’ve got to do the tight schedule. I think I really feel the luxuries of a big budget film.  (Scenes Quotes) I start with the history, and I ask myself, ‘What are the great turning points? What are the big dramatic scenes that are essential to telling the story?’  (Scenes Quotes) Sometimes people can write really great scenes and even a great episode, but they can’t see the bigger picture.  (Scenes Quotes) I guess the biggest difference from the things I’ve done in the past is that my work will be more narrative-driven adult films or vignettes, not just gonzo scenes, which are straight sex, no storyline.  (Scenes Quotes) Writing the first draft of a new story is incredibly difficult for me. I will happily do revisions, because once I can see the words on the page, I can go about ripping them up and moving scenes around. A blank page, though? Terrifying. I’m always angsty when I’m working my way through a first draft.  (Scenes Quotes) I can no more preach nonviolence to a cowardly man than I can tempt a blind man to enjoy healthy scenes.  (Scenes Quotes) The nude scenes were a little eerie and I felt a bit odd. Yeah, when the camera scanned up my body, I said to my friend, ‘Now, that’s a close-up.’ I mean, you see every inch of my body. But I’m okay with it and so it was cool.  (Scenes Quotes) I challenge the homes of Israel to display on their walls great quotations and scenes from the Book of Mormon.  (Scenes Quotes) I was a good college kid, all-American and baseball-playing, living in the dorms with a million barbarians. I did not expect to be claimed by Fitzgerald hook, line, and sinker. ‘This Side of Paradise’ - that sweet, sophomoric pastiche of notes, scenes, poetry, and plays - I felt like he’d written the book just for me.  (Scenes Quotes) I think about all my scenes. I do so much revising as I go along; I wonder how I could write books if I hadn’t grown up in the computer age. I think I’d be a very different writer. I find myself cutting and pasting, changing things around, and deleting whole paragraphs constantly.  (Scenes Quotes) I can feel very brave through all the action scenes in front of the people who are on the set, but when a girl comes close to me my face turns red because I’m so shy.  (Scenes Quotes) It was hard doing scenes with Bobby Cannavale because I would break up laughing because he’s so funny.  (Scenes Quotes) Bruce Springsteen really got any creative person’s dream career, and his good-heartedness and good-spiritedness are part of it: both because it made the people behind the scenes want to do their jobs that much better, but it also means that he connects with an audience in a way that holds them close.  (Scenes Quotes) For me, a lot of these actors are new. For me, I only worked with Finn [Whittrock] and Michael Chiklis. So a lot of these actors are people I’ve been a huge fan of for years and are bucket-list actors for me to get to work with. It’s pretty surreal now getting to step into scenes with them.You all get to find your characters together.  (Scenes Quotes) Long scenes of emotion are quite difficult - you’ve got to build up to them and make sure you’re in the right emotional space.  (Scenes Quotes) Making playlists can kill a whole afternoon for me. I like building very specific playlists for new writing projects. In a strange way, choosing certain songs is part of the process of plotting the book out. I pick songs that I think with resonate with characters, their personality quirks, relationship dynamics, action scenes, and so on.  (Scenes Quotes) I know exactly what it’s like to stand on top of a tall building or in a high place and look down and go, ‘Ohhhh my God.’ I try to get into that place every time I write a scene like that. And definitely when I write the action scenes, I get overheated and my heart goes really fast. I get very involved.  (Scenes Quotes) I think we’ve shot scenes from every angle directors can think of to make it look like different villages. I’ve directed a couple shows on that set and believe me, it’s impossible not to duplicate some camera angles.  (Scenes Quotes) Kissing scenes are never romantic or sexy, they’re actually super technical, like, Move your head, you’re blocking her light, or, Stop looking like an idiot when you kiss her. You do it again and again because of the camera angles and takes and whatnot. So by the end of it, it’s not even kissing. All the anything is totally drained out of it.  (Scenes Quotes) In my head, scenes are shot from certain angles; there are camera pans, all of that kind of stuff. Converting those visuals to comic format was mostly a matter of adapting them to the rhythm of paneling.  (Scenes Quotes) Sometimes when you do fight scenes you think, Oh, I’ll be hit in the face, because people get carried away with their vanity and want to look too cool to care, but we were all really careful with each other.  (Scenes Quotes) There are many cultural scenes in Lahore, just as there are in London. And there is a celebrity culture here, just as there is in London. But in Lahore, the celebrity scene doesn’t drown out the rest quite so much.  (Scenes Quotes) I enjoy the details. I enjoy coming up with ideas for improving the script, changing scenes and deciding what locations and wardrobe should be - the process of making a film.  (Scenes Quotes) A good chaos theory means you have a disciplined strategy behind the scenes of how you’re going to roll out policy. And then you do it in a way that inflicts chaos on the press and your opponents.  (Scenes Quotes) I’m blessed with three children who actually aren’t terribly impressed with pandering to my ego, and one of my children has a bit of a problem with the sex scenes because when she reads the stuff, she hears my voice in her head, and apparently reading a sex scene written by your mother with her describing it is rather off-putting!  (Scenes Quotes)
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