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My job is to make people dream. Of course, there’s a lot of technical stuff behind the scenes and a lot of hard work behind it, but I get to watch people see the result of that hard work and feel that wonder and feel that discovery, all the time  (Scenes Quotes) I’m so used to being behind the scenes. I didn’t really want to be front and center. One of the elements of my relationships with the artists I work with is that I’m not front and center, and they are  (Scenes Quotes) I can still love my heroine like I did when I was 26. I can still do the same action scenes  (Scenes Quotes) I do not understand those who spend hours at the theater watching scenes between people whom they would not listen to for five minutes in real life  (Scenes Quotes) Love scenes, if genuine, are indescribable; for to those who have enacted them the most elaborate description seems tame, and to those who have not, the simplest picture seems overdone  (Scenes Quotes) The memories of childhood have a strange shuttling quality, and areas of darkness ring the spaces of light. The memories of childhood are like clear candles in an acre of night, illuminating fixed scenes from surrounding darkness  (Scenes Quotes) I can feel very brave through all the action scenes in front of the people who are on the set, but when a girl comes close to me my face turns red because I’m so shy  (Scenes Quotes) It does get strange when you realize people will hang around for hours to get a glimpse of you doing scenes outside  (Scenes Quotes) As far as behind the scenes, I absolutely want to get into making my own films and producing my own things  (Scenes Quotes) When a novelist or screenwriter is looking for a subject, the element he’s seeking is conflict. Conflict makes drama. Conflict produces great characters and memorable scenes. So war is a natural topic  (Scenes Quotes) When I look at a character, whether he’s good or bad, one scene or 10 scenes, I just have to find my way in  (Scenes Quotes) There is no sense of ease like the ease we felt in those scenes where we were born  (Scenes Quotes) I want to go behind the scenes as well as on screen. I think you have to make your own destiny in this world  (Scenes Quotes) Yeah, you know, if I’m having an emotional scene I do like to go off and be by myself; not to say that I’m a method actor or anything like that, but for scenes like that that are more emotional, I do like to take that night off and not be so social  (Scenes Quotes) I have done so many love scenes in the past that I have learned how to pull off a sexy smoulder on the dance floor  (Scenes Quotes) Nobody really knows who I am, where I came from, what’s in my heart, why I believe in the things I believe, what I see behind the scenes and they don’t see  (Scenes Quotes) I love scenes that are just emotional give and take. By the same token, action sequences are great to do. They have their own unique demands and requirements. So I take it as it comes, and hopefully you can get a good balance of all of that stuff  (Scenes Quotes) If you gather a lot of stuff, then you write it, write in scenes with dialogue. Somewhere in the middle, rising from all this research like strong metal towers, is your opinions  (Scenes Quotes) Congress suffers a great deal of criticism for its partisan acrimony. But while we may disagree politically, and air our opposition in this chamber, it is the conversation behind the scenes that cements and defines our relationships  (Scenes Quotes) The nature of the video camera really makes you focus on the present. Since I have always been a diarist filmmaker, not one who stages scenes with actors, it has always been about the present moment  (Scenes Quotes) You don’t really get to know people behind the scenes. One can assume that it’s out there, but I have no idea at the end of the day. I hope not  (Scenes Quotes) I’m a natural behind the camera. My attentions are more toward behind the scenes, more toward creating, producing, and directing what’s going on here. When I finally do pop in front of the lens, I’m genuinely glad and relieved to be there  (Scenes Quotes) I’m trying to find the truth in myself. To play somebody else doesn’t interest me. It’s not the focus of my life. I can get through most scenes and do the acting part of it, and at best, I’m going to be mediocre  (Scenes Quotes) I’m going to fight for human rights, whether I do it silently behind the scenes or vocally so that I get locked up. I can’t just sit back; it’s not in my nature. I can’t sit back and blindly ignore it, and I won’t  (Scenes Quotes) Actors are journeymen. We show up for work. We do the job and then we go. What goes on behind the scenes is what goes on behind the scenes  (Scenes Quotes) Sometimes you’re working in highly emotional scenes and you’ll get lost in the moment. You’re having fun with your friend at work. It’s an opportunity to give to them as much as they’ve given back to you  (Scenes Quotes) I really spend as long as I can sketching everything out and working on the structure before I sit down to type out scenes  (Scenes Quotes) I never rehearse scenes with the whole ensemble, because I need to preserve some surprise. Instead, I work with the cast individually on their characters  (Scenes Quotes) I’m not trying to force something but I do enjoy working behind the scenes and I do enjoy bringing all of the ingredients to the kitchen so that we can make the movie  (Scenes Quotes) In the scenes I try to be a giver as much as possible, giving the other actor something to work with. When not in the scenes I will stand in for eye lines to help the other actor with delivery and hopefully performance  (Scenes Quotes)
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