Schedule Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m feeling better than anybody expected me to so I’m still maintaining a pretty normal schedule, I’d say. (Schedule Quotes)
At the end of the day, I’m reading the news. I’m not digging ditches. I’m not fighting fires. It’s a long day, and it’s a lot of responsibility, and it can be a little bewildering sometimes with the schedule. But, you know, it’s a job, and they pay me well to do a job. (Schedule Quotes)
I personally believe the film turns out better when shot in one short schedule, plus it doesn’t stress the actors. (Schedule Quotes)
I always found the film world unpleasant. It’s all about the schedule, and never really flew for me. (Schedule Quotes)
I don’t have a schedule, but I can write for hours non-stop. If I’m drafting a book, I try and do a chapter a day. I dislike first drafts. Revision is a lot more fun, but it takes years. (Schedule Quotes)
One look at an email can rob you of 15 minutes of focus. One call on your cell phone, one tweet, one instant message can destroy your schedule, forcing you to move meetings, or blow off really important things, like love, and friendship. (Schedule Quotes)
Im ridiculously fortunate to get a chance to experience the sitcom world. The schedule is extremely easy, and you get fed as an artist because you’re not only working on a project, but you get to work with cameras, and you get the audience there. (Schedule Quotes)
We’re getting close to making our vision a reality. It’s exciting to be on the cusp of opening our doors to the public. We’re right on schedule. (Schedule Quotes)
I learned a lot about the business side of the industry and some new production tools. It’s getting more and more difficult, because of my exploding gig schedule. (Schedule Quotes)
I like to be very consistent with workouts and getting a good amount of sleep. I’ve really been enjoying Pilates lately. It’s actually really tough to fit in my schedule, but if I can get in a workout three times a week while we’re shooting, that feels right. Any more seems to deplete my energy. (Schedule Quotes)
If I didn’t have my little schedule book, I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning (Schedule Quotes)
Some churches make intercessory prayer part of their weekly schedule. If that’s not the case at your church, find another person in the faith to intercede with or go before God on your own. (Schedule Quotes)
There is also a schedule to fashion - the deadline is always set. So maybe the fashion business is a good business for me in that way because I’m basically lazy, man. (Schedule Quotes)
A system of bus rapid transit is not only dedicated lanes. You have to have really good boarding conditions - that means paying before entering the bus and boarding at the same level. And at the same time having a good schedule and frequency. (Schedule Quotes)
Good drama, challenging drama - and comedy for that matter - has a place in the daytime schedule (Schedule Quotes)
When you have a new baby, you can get really overwhelmed, since it’s such a huge responsibility. You’re thrilled to be a mom, but your sleep schedule is so thrown off and it can be scary if you don’t have a good support system. (Schedule Quotes)
Writing songs always trumps whatever else was on the schedule, it really is the most important and can be so fickle, you have to grab it when it’s there. (Schedule Quotes)
I’ve never liked having like a set kind of schedule of training. Even when I was doing guitar lessons, I never used to practice. (Schedule Quotes)
If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell shouldn’t schedule a meeting with me before 10am. (Schedule Quotes)
A person with a flexible schedule and average resources will be happier than a rich person who has everything except a flexible schedule. Step one in your search for happiness is to continually work toward having control of your schedule. (Schedule Quotes)
I love the freedom of having my own space and my own place and doing things on my terms, and not really having to think about anybody else’s schedule. (Schedule Quotes)
That was the hard part of having kids: trying to be on their schedule, then fighting to get to sleep while they are sleeping. (Schedule Quotes)
The only plan the Administration seems to have for winning the war is that there is no plan and no schedule for our troops to come home and get out of harm’s way. (Schedule Quotes)
I think straight couples have a schedule: You’re together for two years and then there’s the ‘where is this going?’ question, which wouldn’t necessarily be good for everyone, but I think it’s pretty healthy for relationships, for there to be a presumption that there is a decision to be made. (Schedule Quotes)
It’s interesting how God arranges your schedule. When you’re helping someone else, you never run out of time, when you’re just interested in helping yourself, time is real short. (Schedule Quotes)