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Schizoid Quotes

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There's a schizoid streak within the family anyway so I dare say that I'm affected by that. The majority of the people in my family have been in some kind of mental institution, as for my brother he doesn't want to leave. He likes it very much  (Schizoid Quotes) The schizoid man is the natural product of the technological man. It is one way to live and is increasingly utilized - and it may explode into violence  (Schizoid Quotes) Schizoid behavior is a pretty common thing in children. It’s accepted, because all we adults have this unspoken agreement that children are lunatics  (Schizoid Quotes) The conceptual artist Ai WeiWei illustrates the schizoid society that rapid change has produced - sometimes by reassembling Ming-style furniture into absurd and useless arrangements, or by carefully painting and antiquing a Coca-Cola logo on an ancient Chinese pot.  (Schizoid Quotes) Drawing architecture is a schizoid act: it involves reducing the world to a piece of paper  (Schizoid Quotes) Warhol was a prime example of a schizoid person. Maybe he had Asperger’s, or maybe he was just an amorous human being on earth.  (Schizoid Quotes)