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Schtick Quotes

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I think I’ve been wishing for celebrity for so long that I’ve got used to being someone who’s petitioning the establishment for acceptance... my whole schtick, my whole identity, is so wrapped up in being a petitioner that I don’t really know how to react now that petition has been granted  (Schtick Quotes) When I have people around, I’m a chatterbox. But when I’m alone, I never speak. I don’t talk to myself; it’s just not my schtick  (Schtick Quotes) One of my complaints with American TV characters is that they all have a particular schtick, a hook  (Schtick Quotes) But see, my idea on the whole thing is, hey, it’s not the responsibility of marginalized, oppressed people to educate everyone. I personally wouldn’t put myself in that position and go out there and do my schtick in front of the Red Hot Chili Peppers fan guys... because, you know...  (Schtick Quotes)