Science without conscience is the death of the soul

Science without conscience is the death of the soul
The quote "Science without conscience is the death of the soul" is often attributed to Francois Rabelais, a French Renaissance writer and humanist. Rabelais was known for his satirical and comedic works, particularly his series of novels known as "Gargantua and Pantagruel." In these works, Rabelais explored themes of education, humanism, and the pursuit of knowledge.In the context of Rabelais' writings, the quote can be interpreted as a warning against the dangers of pursuing scientific knowledge without considering the ethical implications of one's actions. Rabelais believed that true wisdom and enlightenment could only be achieved when science was guided by a moral compass, or conscience. Without this guiding force, the pursuit of knowledge could lead to destructive and harmful outcomes.
Rabelais was a firm believer in the power of education and the importance of intellectual curiosity. He believed that knowledge was a valuable tool for self-improvement and personal growth. However, he also recognized that knowledge could be misused and abused if not tempered by a sense of ethics and morality.