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Scientific Quotes

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The aim of scientific work is truth. While we internally recognise something as true, we judge, and while we utter judgements, we assert  (Scientific Quotes) The secret of science is to ask the right question, and it is the choice of problem more than anything else that marks the man of genius in the scientific world  (Scientific Quotes) There is no such thing as absolute truth and absolute falsehood. The scientific mind should never recognise the perfect truth or the perfect falsehood of any supposed theory or observation. It should carefully weigh the chances of truth and error and grade each in its proper position along the line joining absolute truth and absolute error  (Scientific Quotes) A scientific or technical study always consists of the following three steps:1. One decides the objective.2. One considers the method.3. One evaluates the method in relation to the objective  (Scientific Quotes) Typical of the fundamental scientific problems whose solution should lead to important industrial consequences are, for example, the release of atomic energy, which experiment has shown to exist in quantities millions of times greater than is liberated by combustion  (Scientific Quotes) The flight of most members of a profession to the high empyrean, where they can work peacefully on purely scientific problems, isolated from the turmoil of real life, was perhaps quite appropriate at an earlier stage of science; but in today’s world it is a luxury we cannot afford  (Scientific Quotes) There is, however, no universal recipe for scientific advance. It is a matter of groping forward into terra incognita of the outer world by means of methods which should be adapted to the circumstances  (Scientific Quotes) Creationists who want religious ideas taught as scientific fact in public schools continue to adapt to courtroom defeats by hiding their true aims under ever changing guises  (Scientific Quotes) The nineteenth century will ever be known as the one in which the influences of science were first fully realised in civilised communities; the scientific progress was so gigantic that it seems rash to predict that any of its successors can be more important in the life of any nation  (Scientific Quotes) The exquisite order displayed by our scientific understanding of the physical world calls for the divine  (Scientific Quotes) We do not live in several different, or even two different, worlds, a mental world and a physical world, a scientific world and a world of common sense. Rather, there is just one world; it is the world we all live in, and we need to account for how we exist as part of it  (Scientific Quotes) By harmony all phenomena are formed and sustained. There is a scientific statement to the effect that this earth is a vast harmonic wave system that is built and sustained by unheard music  (Scientific Quotes) There is something outrageous about such a huge body of evidence being put together, then being confirmed in all kinds of other scientific disciplines, particularly genetics, and having other people just sort of deny it for reasons that have nothing to do with truth  (Scientific Quotes) Within the period of human history we do not know of a single instance of the transformation of one species into another one. It may be claimed that the theory of descent is lacking, therefore, in the most essential feature that it needs to place the theory on a scientific basis, this must be admitted  (Scientific Quotes) This doctrine, that of the ghost in the machine, strictly separates the mind or soul from the body. And by doing so it takes the soul outside the sphere of mechanical or scientific explanation. It splits the world of the mind from the world of science. It is often supposed to protect our cherished free will  (Scientific Quotes) Pharmacogenomics holds great promise to shed scientific light on the often risky and costly process of drug development, and to provide greater confidence about the risks and benefits of drugs in specific populations. Pharmacogenomics is a new field, but we intend to do all we can to use it to promote the development of medicines. By providing practical guidance on how to turn the explosion of pharmacogenomic information into real evidence on new drugs, we are taking an important step toward that goal  (Scientific Quotes) From my earliest childhood I nourished and cherished the desire to make a creditable journey in a new country, and write such a respectable account of its natural history as should give me a niche amongst the scientific explorers of the globe I inhabit, and hand my name down as a useful contributor of original matter  (Scientific Quotes) For success I consider three factors are necessary: firstly, an awareness of my own strengths and weaknesses; secondly, an accurate understanding of my opponent’s strengths and weaknesses; thirdly, a higher aim than momentary satisfaction. I see this aim as being scientific and artistic achievements, which place the game of chess on a par with other arts  (Scientific Quotes) For far too long economists have sought to define themselves in terms of their supposedly scientific methods. In fact, those methods rely on an immoderate use of mathematical models, which are frequently no more than an excuse for occupying the terrain and masking the vacuity of the content  (Scientific Quotes) It is easier to silence scientific dissent by utilizing the politics of personal destruction, than to actually debate them on the merits of their arguments. That should tell you something about the global warming debate... there is none right now... it’s either you believe, or you are to be discredited  (Scientific Quotes) ... those who are absolutely certain that the rise in temperatures is due solely to carbon dioxide have no scientific justification. It’s pure guesswork  (Scientific Quotes) The natural scientist is concerned with a particular kind of phenomena... he has to confine himself to that which is reproducible... I do not claim that the reproducible by itself is more important than the unique. But I do claim that the unique exceeds the treatment by scientific method. Indeed it is the aim of this method to find and test natural laws  (Scientific Quotes) The scientific evidence is now overwhelming: climate change presents very serious global risks, and it demands an urgent global response  (Scientific Quotes) Science will never be able to reduce the value of a sunset to arithmetic. Nor can it reduce friendship to formula. Laughter and love, pain and loneliness, the challenge of beauty and truth: these will always surpass the scientific mastery of nature  (Scientific Quotes) We have to learn to deal with this situation and prepare for contact. Studying the behavior pattern of the phenomenon, I came to the conclusion that they are neither friend nor foe, but study our planet and civilization from a mainly scientific perspective. They are as curious to learn more about us, as we would love to study other human and humanoid civilizations  (Scientific Quotes) We cannot take credit for our record avancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped, and we have been helped by the people of other worlds  (Scientific Quotes) There exists a mountain of circumstantial evidence that consciousness survives bodily death. This is the kind of evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Some people believe that science needs better tools to quantify what consciousness is. Perhaps when we discover what consciousness is we will be on the road to providing absolute scientific evidence that there is life after death  (Scientific Quotes) Let me see if I can put this in scientific terms: Think of autism like a fart, and vaccines are the finger you pull to make it happen  (Scientific Quotes) The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious twentieth century scientific theory has become a reality for evolutionary biologists  (Scientific Quotes) I do not know whether any of this is true. I am certain that the scientific community does not know that it is false  (Scientific Quotes)
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