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Scientific Quotes

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Blackjack is very scientific. There’s always a right answer and a wrong answer. Do you take a card, increase your bet, bet big or bet small. There’s absolutely a right and wrong answer.  (Scientific Quotes) The discovery of HIV in 1983 and the proof that it was the cause of AIDS in 1984 were the first major scientific breakthroughs that provided a specific target for blood-screening tests and opened the doorway to the development of antiretroviral medications.  (Scientific Quotes) Photographs freed from the scientific bias can, and indeed usually do, have double meanings, implied meanings, unintended meanings, can hint and insinuate, and may even mean the opposite of what they apparently mean.  (Scientific Quotes) Lack of scientific fundamentals causes people to make foolish decisions about issues such as the toxicity of chemicals, the efficacy of medicines, the changes in the global climate. Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher.  (Scientific Quotes) Our single greatest defense against scientific ignorance is education, and early in the life of every scientist, the child’s first interest was sparked by a teacher.  (Scientific Quotes) Intellectual freedom is the only guarantee of a scientific - democratic approach to politics, economic development, and culture.  (Scientific Quotes) At its best, management theory is part of the democratic promise of America. It aims to replace the despotism of the old bosses with the rule of scientific law. It offers economic power to all who have the talent and energy to attain it.  (Scientific Quotes) I think, however, that so long as our present economic and national systems continue, scientific research has little to fear.  (Scientific Quotes) If we are to remain preeminent in transforming knowledge into economic value, America’s system of higher education must remain the world’s leader in generating scientific and technological breakthrough, and in meeting the challenge to educate workers.  (Scientific Quotes) Scientists use satellites to track weather, map ice sheet melting, detect diseases, show ecosystem change... the list goes on and on. I think nearly every scientific field benefits or could benefit from satellite imagery analysis.  (Scientific Quotes) Today much of what we call education is merely knowledge gathering and remembering. Problem solving and thinking, never strong parts of our educational system, have been downgraded in all but a few scientific subjects.  (Scientific Quotes) Emeritus John Farrington said, Sometimes God’s creation does not yield to scientific research without great effort and our results are not always what we would like or predicted.  (Scientific Quotes) The residue of religion in my work appears as a modified transcendentalism, and the positivist scientific side of my thought appears as concreteness and realism. The effort to reconcile the two is at the core of all my poetry.  (Scientific Quotes) There are fields of scientific work...which have been explored from the different sides of pure mathematics, statistics, electrical engineering, and neurophysiology...in which every single notion receives a separate and different name from each group, and in which important work has been triplicated or quadruplicated, while still other important work is delayed by the unavailability in one field of results that may have already become classical in the next field.  (Scientific Quotes) There’s a great deal of scientific evidence that social connectedness is a very strong protector of emotional well-being, and I think there’s no question that social isolation has greatly increased in our culture in, say, the past 50 years, past 100 years.  (Scientific Quotes) The ocean is the last frontier of human empirical knowledge; even the contours on that eighth-grader’s globe are the product of a mix of scientific measurement, inference and conjecture.  (Scientific Quotes) ... scientific research is compounded of ... empirical procedures, general speculative ideas, and mathematical or abstract reasoning.  (Scientific Quotes) At the end of the day, if there are truly ethical considerations, those have to override scientific considerations.  (Scientific Quotes) As a religious priest I find it a very enriching experience to do my scientific research  (Scientific Quotes) My first fundamental premise of our faith is that God is real and so are eternal truths and values not provable by current scientific methods. These ideas are inevitably linked. Like other believers, we proclaim the existence of the ultimate lawgiver, God our Eternal Father, and the existence of moral absolutes. We reject the moral relativism that is becoming the unofficial creed of much of modern culture.  (Scientific Quotes) Reliable scientific knowledge is value free and has no moral or ethical value. Science tells us how the world is. ... Dangers and ethical issue arise only when science is applied as technology.  (Scientific Quotes) I don’t think about life everlasting. If something doesn’t have scientific evidence to back it up, I don’t believe it. I’m a straight shooter.  (Scientific Quotes) The whole of technology depends on a scientific background, and of course technology can be used for evil purposes. You can’t blame science for that.  (Scientific Quotes) Our young people - and adults - should be aware that considerable dissent exists in the scientific world regarding the validity of molecules-to-man evolution.  (Scientific Quotes) Evolution is among the most well-established theories in the scientific community. To doubt it sounds to biologists as absurd as denying relativity does to physicists.  (Scientific Quotes) Privacy about giving is counterproductive. There is solid scientific research showing that people are more likely to give if they can see that others are giving. The richest people, in particular, should be setting an example.  (Scientific Quotes) Most of us who become experimental physicists do so for two reasons; we love the tools of physics because to us they have intrinsic beauty, and we dream of finding new secrets of nature as important and as exciting as those uncovered by our scientific heroes.  (Scientific Quotes) The purpose of this study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective.  (Scientific Quotes) It’s an old trick now, God knows, but it works every time. At the very moment women start to expand their place in the world, scientific studies deliver compelling reasons for them to stay home.  (Scientific Quotes) It’s always great when you want scientific fact to get a really good science fiction writer to talk to you about it.  (Scientific Quotes)
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