Scientist Quotes

Text Quotes
You can be a scientist and believe in god: the two can go hand in hand (Scientist Quotes)
Your job as a scientist is to figure out how you’re fooling yourself (Scientist Quotes)
Entering a cell, penetrating deep as a flying saucer to find a new galaxy would be an honorable task for a new scientist interested more in the inner state of the soul than in outer space (Scientist Quotes)
Our thought habits are those of the scientist, not those of the worshipper. We are more likely to explain than to adore (Scientist Quotes)
The modern scientist has lost God amid the wonders of His world; we Christians are in real danger of losing God amid the wonders of His Word (Scientist Quotes)
Philosophy and science have not always been friendly toward the idea of God, the reason being they are dedicated to the task of accounting for things and are impatient with anything that refuses to give an account of itself. The philosopher and the scientist will admit that there is much that they do not know; but that is quite another thing from admitting there is something which they can never know, which indeed they have no technique for discovering (Scientist Quotes)
The scientist has marched in and taken the place of the poet. But one day somebody will find the solution to the problems of the world and remember, it will be a poet, not a scientist (Scientist Quotes)
Faith is part of who I am, yes. I was raised Christian Scientist. The most important thing I saw every single week on the wall at Sunday school was the Golden Rule (Scientist Quotes)
Because sometimes you need a biologist, and sometimes you need a poet. Sometimes you need a scientist, and sometimes you need a song (Scientist Quotes)
But alas! Science cannot now rescue us, for even the scientist is lost in the terrible midnight of our age. Indeed, science gave us the very instruments that threaten to bring universal suicide (Scientist Quotes)
It is frequently the tragedy of the great artist, as it is of the great scientist, that he frightens the ordinary man (Scientist Quotes)
Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character (Scientist Quotes)
The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible (Scientist Quotes)
The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions (Scientist Quotes)
I've always seen the world through the eyes of a scientist. I love the predictable outcomes that science gives us, the control over the world that that can render (Scientist Quotes)
Women tend to be more intuitive, or to admit to being intuitive, and maybe the hard science approach isn't so attractive. The way that science is taught is very cold. I would never have become a scientist if I had been taught like that (Scientist Quotes)
When a scientist is ahead of his times, it is often through misunderstanding of current, rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won't one day, from some perspective, appear prophetic (Scientist Quotes)
I'm not a chef. I haven't created any new technique in the kitchen. I'm not a rocket scientist. I think I'm good at writing accessible, fun, and affordable meals for the average American family. That's what I think I'm good at (Scientist Quotes)
I think the hardest thing about making music now is being a great dad at the same time. There's an insanity that goes with writing - a mad scientist thing that you have to go through - and sacrificing a kid's upbringing to do that is not an option (Scientist Quotes)
Why is it the philosopher who is expected to be easier and not some scientist who is even more inaccessible? (Scientist Quotes)
I've always disliked words like inspiration. Writing is probably like a scientist thinking about some scientific problem, or an engineer about an engineering problem (Scientist Quotes)
I dreamed of becoming a scientist, in general, and a paleontologist, in particular, ever since the Tyrannosaurus skeleton awed and scared me (Scientist Quotes)
How could science be any enemy of religion when God commanded man to be a scientist the day He told him to rule the Earth and subject it? (Scientist Quotes)
The eye of the poet sees less clearly, but sees farther than the eye of the scientist (Scientist Quotes)
One day when I was 8 years old, everyone was talking in hushed tones about a great scientist that had just died. His name was Albert Einstein (Scientist Quotes)
I do not think that there is a reputable scientist on this planet who would advocate using this technology to generate a human child as was just announced (Scientist Quotes)
I spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around (Scientist Quotes)
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young (Scientist Quotes)
It is characteristic of science that the full explanations are often seized in their essence by the percipient scientist long in advance of any possible proof (Scientist Quotes)
It is not easy to imagine how little interested a scientist usually is in the work of any other, with the possible exception of the teacher who backs him or the student who honors him (Scientist Quotes)