Scott Westerfeld Quotes

Text Quotes
When she awoke, the world was on fire (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Her only way home was to betray her friend (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
The very idea of making shoes by hand boggled her mind (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
I love my virginity to the apocalypse (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
What happens when perfection isn’t good enough? (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
The parties are no fun until everyone gets drunk (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
You just took on five million years of evolution again (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Humanity is a cancer on the body of the world (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Sometimes you can’t choose what you love (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Sometimes, the hardest thing was doing nothing (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Sooner or later usually means too late (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Tally wondered if you could talk somebody out of their brain damage (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Emperors are vain and useless things (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
He makes me feel like that. Like flying (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
I go where the lizards tell me (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
No matter how far from the war we run, it always catches up with us (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
You young things are too easily persuaded by the touch of lips (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
In a world of extreme beauty, anyone normal is ugly (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
What if destiny doesn’t care? (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Maybe kissing is sort of like nature’s coffee (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
But it’s always taking a risk, when you... kiss someone new (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
But you weren’t born expecting that kind of beauty in everyone, all the time. You just got programmed into thinking anything else is ugly (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
I’d watched too many schoolmates graduate into mental institutions, into group homes and jails, and I knew that locking people up was paranormal - against normal, not beside it. Locks didn’t cure; they strangled (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
I like my first lines short and declarative. No complicated sentences. Of course, that’s not really a Scott thing. It’s pretty classic grab-the-reader technique (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Ring around the rosie. A pocket full of posie. Ashes ashes, we all fall down. Some people say that this poem is about the Black Death, the fourteenth-century plague that killed 100-million people... Sadly, though, most experts think this is nonsense... How can I be so sure about this rhyme when all the experts disagree? Because I ate the kid who made it up (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
I love you all. But it’s time to say good-bye, for now. be careful with the world, or the next time we meet, it might get ugly. -Tally Youngblood (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
And you know, these things don’t last forever.’ I know, Mandy. Nothing does.’ That’s the spirit (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
Frighteningly Beautiful, Dangerously Strong, Breathtakingly Fast. Face it Tally-wa you’re special (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)
We needed to become world-famous soon, while there was still that kind of world to be famous in (Scott Westerfeld Quotes)