Scrutiny Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems. On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today’s problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions (Scrutiny Quotes)
The hallmark of an authentic evangelicalism is not the uncritical repetition of old traditions but the willingness to submit every tradition, however ancient, to fresh biblical scrutiny and, if necessary, reform (Scrutiny Quotes)
The collapse of good conscience and the absence of accountability and public scrutiny have led to crimes against humanity and violations of international law (Scrutiny Quotes)
Anyone who studies declassified documents soon becomes aware that government secrecy is largely an effort to protect policy makers from scrutiny by citizens, not to protect the country from enemies (Scrutiny Quotes)
If someone’s criticism is completely unfounded on data, then I don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny (Scrutiny Quotes)
What is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas. If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you. On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish useful ideas from the worthless ones (Scrutiny Quotes)
People have judged you; you have accepted their idea without any scrutiny. And you are suffering from all kinds of people’s judgments, and you are throwing those judgments on other people. And this game has become out of proportion. The whole humanity is suffering from it. If you want to get out of it, the first thing is: Don’t judge yourself (Scrutiny Quotes)
Money drives the world, but when everything falls apart to leave the underpinnings of our life bare to the scrutiny of critics and thieves, the only thing remaining, the only thing that can’t be taken away, is the love you hold for the people you care about (Scrutiny Quotes)
Ask courageous questions. Do not be satisfied with superficial answers. Be open to wonder and at the same time subject all claims to knowledge, without exception, to intense skeptical scrutiny. Be aware of human fallibility. Cherish your species and your planet (Scrutiny Quotes)
There is no man so good that if he placed all his actions and thought under the scrutiny of the laws, he would not deserve hanging ten times in his life (Scrutiny Quotes)
There is no man so good that if he submitted all his actions and thoughts to the scrutiny of the laws, he would not deserve hanging ten times in his life (Scrutiny Quotes)
The scrutiny of human nature on a small scale is one of the most dangerous of employments; the study of it on a large scale is one of the safest and truest (Scrutiny Quotes)
When scrutiny is lacking, tyranny, corruption and man’s baser qualities have a better chance of entering into the public business of any government (Scrutiny Quotes)
But I also enjoy life... the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can’t do anything about it, and I love who I am (Scrutiny Quotes)
When a baseball player makes an error, it goes into the record and is published. How many of us could stand this sort of daily scrutiny? (Scrutiny Quotes)
Typical reaction to scrutiny: attack and mock messenger and message, minimize the problem, hope attention dies down (Scrutiny Quotes)
I happen to respect people who are willing to come under public scrutiny and serve their country (Scrutiny Quotes)
Teens look at cause-related efforts with some scrutiny. They know they are often a target market, but it has to make sense to them (Scrutiny Quotes)
Going public is 18-month process, while an acquisition is a 6-month process. Going public means going under so much scrutiny, regulatory approval, auditing, magnified 10 times. Having the stomach to do that isn’t necessarily in my DNA. My DNA is building a product and a service (Scrutiny Quotes)
The presence of another person derails my thoughts; I dream of the other’s presence with a strange absent-mindedness that no amount of my analytical scrutiny can define (Scrutiny Quotes)
In the future, financial firms of any type whose failure would pose a systemic risk must accept especially close regulatory scrutiny of their risk-taking (Scrutiny Quotes)
Trying to overcome addiction is one of the hardest things for a person to do. And the fact that I had to do it under the scrutiny of tabloid press at first made it seem even more difficult. But in fact, it oddly ended up being a plus. Because of the tabloid stuff, it wasn’t like I could walk into a bar and order a drink. (Scrutiny Quotes)
I think part of being in the public eye is getting recognized and dealing with positive and negative scrutiny. (Scrutiny Quotes)
We seek for truth in ourselves; in our neighbours, and in its essential nature. We find it first in ourselves by severe self scrutiny, then in our neighbours by compassionate indulgence, and, finally, in its essential nature by that direct vision which belongs to the pure in heart. (Scrutiny Quotes)
[Donald] Trump continues to dismiss those concerns though, even as some Republicans, like Lindsay Graham, are making the case that Trump`s business ties deserve the scrutiny. (Scrutiny Quotes)
Would-be drug companies must either produce medicines that stand up to federal scrutiny, demonstrate that their data has value to other companies, or go out of business. (Scrutiny Quotes)
There’s a lot of judgement that can come from outside sometimes, and there’s media scrutiny that is placed on a lot of women in the public eye, and I just couldn’t care less. I really couldn’t care less. (Scrutiny Quotes)
We must ensure that while eliminating child labor in the export industry, we are also eliminating their labour from the informal sector, which is more invisible to public scrutiny - and thus leaves the children more open to abuse and exploitation. (Scrutiny Quotes)
Gun control laws don’t work. What is worse, they act perversely. While legitimate users of firearms encounter intense regulation, scrutiny and bureaucratic control, illicit markets easily adapt to whatever difficulties a free society throws in their way. Also, efforts to curtail the supply of firearms inflict collateral damage on freedom and privacy interests that have long been considered central to American public life. (Scrutiny Quotes)
But I also enjoy life... the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can’t do anything about it, and I love who I am. (Scrutiny Quotes)