Sea Quotes

Text Quotes
Some people say there are plenty of fish in the sea - until you find love - then there is only one (Sea Quotes)
Yes, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but be gifted with a rare catch: that one which lives with forever faithfulness. ~ Angelica Hopes, If I Could Tell You (Sea Quotes)
A simple fishing boat in the midst of the rippling waters is enough to awaken in the mind of the beholder a sense of vastness of the sea and at the same time of peace and contentment - the Zen sense oof the alone. (Sea Quotes)
It is a quiet and peaceful place - and a fitting place for the remains of this greatest of sea tragedies to rest. (Sea Quotes)
The Romans believed that what no man controls, no man can own. Justinian, writing in the sixth century AD, said that the air, flowing water, the sea and the seashore were common to all. (Sea Quotes)
I’ve always loved the songs of the sea. I was first introduced to them back in 1957, at the Old Town School of Folk Music. I used to go to Pete Seeger concerts, and he would do songs like ‘Ruben Ranzo’ and talk about how the sailors sang songs to do their work - to raise the anchors, pull up the sails and that sort of thing. (Sea Quotes)
Sea spaghetti looks like dark fettuccine and has a similar texture - you can get it in health food stores or online. (Sea Quotes)
Chaunt in his ear delusions magical, That he may fight the horses of the sea. The Druids took them to their mystery, And chaunted for three days. (Sea Quotes)
The forces of the sea give rise to imagination, which reflects them according to the nature and disposition of the perceiver. The sea itself is undifferentiated and without bias. (Sea Quotes)
This was how I would die. Strangled by an attractive, seminaked woman inside a fridge with a giant tarantula in the middle of a sea of carnivorous jam. As I blacked out, all I could think of was a fortune teller I’d spoken to a few years ago, and how full of shit she’d turned out to be. (Sea Quotes)
Sun and wind and beat of sea, Great lands stretching endlessly... Where be bonds to bind the free? All the world was made for me! (Sea Quotes)
Just be sure you brush your teeth tonight. Morning breath is a fresh sea breeze compared to the hellitosis of blood breath. (Sea Quotes)
Some love comes like the wind off the sea, while others grow slowly from the seeds of friendship and kindness. - Carline (Sea Quotes)
Civilization grew in the beginning from the minute that we had communication - particularly communication by sea that enabled people to get inspiration and ideas from each other and to exchange basic raw materials. (Sea Quotes)
Waves crack with wicked fury against me ship’s hull while ocean currents rage as the full moon rises o’re the sea. (Cutthroat’s Omen: A Crimson Dawn) (Sea Quotes)
It’s a magical way to spend a summer - privacy at sea, and fun and friends in port (Sea Quotes)
When one is building a ship, one does not begin with gathering timber and cutting planks, but rather by arousing in people the yearning for the great wide sea. (Sea Quotes)
Soft moonlight touches my lips and cheeks,I feel your soul dance in my heart.Breeze of the Southern sea blows my hair,I feel your love touch my flowers of desire,In my garden roses dance with the kindness of air.I feel my soul wanting her bliss to share. (Sea Quotes)
I’m not a very methodologically pure actor. Almost every time that I start, I feel completely at sea. Always at the beginning I feel like a fraud, really, because I’m never sure how to get started. (Sea Quotes)
My husband was getting his sea legs-rereading Joseph Conrad with a side order of C S Forester (Sea Quotes)
I like the image of The Old Man and the Sea, of striving and succeeding but finding that the success was ghost success. In other words, in the long run, after a certain age, the motives for success, pride or oppressing people or getting power. (Sea Quotes)
In England, rain was thin and cold, and made you hunch up inside your coat, walking home from the bus stop. In Jamaica, it was wide and thick and invited you to step into it, and see how wet you could get, and be thrilled that it was warmer than the sea and warmer than your skin; it was abandon. (Sea Quotes)
I once had an Early Girl tomato at my friend Jay’s house, and I thought that was the best thing I’d ever had. But then I visited friends in Senegal, and I ate sea urchin pulled fresh out of the sea. It tasted like the ocean. (Sea Quotes)
Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely God wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above. (Sea Quotes)
And when the day arrives I’ll become the sky and I’ll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home. Nothing can stop me now. (Sea Quotes)
I also really loved the sea when I was young, when I lived in Sicily, but unfortunately the sea here has been reduced to a trash dump. It’s a horrible pain going to the beach; you risk getting an infection or getting tar all over you. (Sea Quotes)
Don’t swim against the current. Stay in the river, become the river; and the river is already going to the sea. This is the great teaching. (Sea Quotes)
Strong winds buffet the sea oats and tall dune grasses, tossing sand and seabirds where it will, winding my sister’s golden hair into sunlit spirals of silk until it becomes the only good memory I have of her -- the only memory I allowed myself to keep. (Sea Quotes)
Genius is a good deal like the sea ... Nothing can restrain its tide or quicken it. (Sea Quotes)
Yon Sun that sets upon the sea We follow in his flight; Farewell awhile to him and thee, My native land-Good Night! (Sea Quotes)