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Writing is not lying, nor is it theft. It is a journey and search for transparency between one’s words and one’s soul (Search Quotes)
We must know when to move on. To search too long for perfection can also paralyse (Search Quotes)
I define spirituality as a search for love, beauty, happiness and wisdom. Spirituality is a journey that we never finish (Search Quotes)
Not write what you know, but know what you write. If you write about a world before, after, or other than this one, enter that world completely. Search it to find your deepest longings and most terrible fears. Let imagination carry you as far as it may, as long as you recount the voyage with excitement and wonder. But this is the most important rule: write the book you most long to read (Search Quotes)
There is an internal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines in our lives. Those who are lucky enough to find it, ease like water over a stone, onto its fluid contours, and are home (Search Quotes)
Don’t search for heaven and hell in the future. Both are now present. Whenever we manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven. Whenever we fight, hate, we are in hell (Search Quotes)
Sometimes when you’re looking for an answer, you search everywhere else before you take a look at what’s right in front of you (Search Quotes)
More and more, I am pulled reluctantly towards a strong horizontal current, which is a place where time is moving at such high velocity, that even our breath is forced to accelerate just in order for us humans to survive. And I have always believed, that it is in our slow exhalation, where the sense of this deep spiritual energy resides. In a world moving so fast, with the growth of technology and information, I am somehow inclined to move against this current, in search of what it might mean to be connected not just spiritually, but also vertically (Search Quotes)
We are all unconsciously in search of love. Whenever we feel its presence in our environment, we can’t help but be drawn to it. There is no more compelling energy in the world (Search Quotes)
We don’t have to go in search of our mission or purpose. The more we search for it, the more it will elude us. We just have to be ourselves and find our joy in the present moment or do what calls us in the present moment and our mission will unfold (Search Quotes)
The task is not to search for meaning, but to bring meaning to every situation you are in (Search Quotes)
Story isn’t a flight from reality but a vehicle that carries us on our search for reality (Search Quotes)
The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero (Search Quotes)
Sometimes a day is a symbolic day, and you behave symbolically. Sometimes you search inside for a feeling, and, finding none, you remember that no feeling is frequently the most possible feeling (Search Quotes)
We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. Most of all we love and want to be loved. We want to live in a relationship that will not impede our wandering, nor prevent our search, nor lock us in prison walls; that will take us for what little we have to give. We do not want to prove ourselves to another or compete for love (Search Quotes)
The love that you search for everywhere is already present within you. It may be evoked by any number of people or events. But finally, you must realize you are this love. The source of all love is within you (Search Quotes)
Life is never what one dreams. It is seldom what one desires, but for the vital spirit and the eager mind, the future will always hold the search for buried treasure and the possibility of high adventure (Search Quotes)
If you have a clear mind... you won’t have to search for direction. Direction will come to you (Search Quotes)
It is our very search, our lust for the miraculous and magical, that hides from us the truth that simply to be, simply to know I am, is already the miracle that we seek. Everything, as it is, is perfect, but you must stop seeing it as if in a mirror, as if in a dream (Search Quotes)
Since man, fragment of the universe, is governed by the same laws that preside over the heavens, it is by no means absurd to search there above for the themes of our lives, for those frigid sympathies that participate in our achievements as well as our blunderings (Search Quotes)
Imagination inspires you to look at everything with fresh eyes, as though you had just come forth from a dark tunnel into the light of day. Imagination becomes for you a magic lamp with which to search the darkness of the unknown, that you may discover new goals or chart more productive paths to old goals (Search Quotes)
You only do exercises in art school. That’s not the real thing. A little bit tells you so much. You have to find your own self. And you don’t know what you are! But that’s what you have to search for (Search Quotes)
To use words to sense reality is like going with a lamp to search for darkness (Search Quotes)
It may seem paradoxical to say that we have been expelled from the present, but it is a feeling we have all had at some moment. Some of us experienced it first as a condemnation, later transformed into consciousness and action. The search for the present is neither the pursuit of an earthly paradise nor that of a timeless eternity: it is the search for a real reality (Search Quotes)
To be an artist means to search, to find and look at these realities. To be an artist means to never look away (Search Quotes)
I maintain that in every position that arises, we should deliberately search, among other things, for pieces which have no retreat. If we see one, we automatically look to see if it can be netted (Search Quotes)
In art the search for a content which is collectively understandable is false; the content will always be individual (Search Quotes)
We search out the most perfect pieces of rock. It’s so amazing that these formations are so perfect for climbing on. It’s almost as if they were created for climbing. You’re taking these random rock formations and you’re bringing to it this interaction. It transforms it from being this random rock into almost this piece of art. It’s almost like a sculpture or something. Just by finding the handholds, finding that line up the rock. Every climb is different, has its own unique set of movements and body positions. Climbing and my appreciation for nature are totally intertwined (Search Quotes)
What does it matter, if we tell the same old stories?... Stories tell us who we are. What we’re capable of. When we go out looking for stories we are, I think, in many ways going in search of ourselves, trying to find understanding of our lives, and the people around us. Stories, and language tell us what’s important (Search Quotes)
Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. In the simplest terms, it is the felt sense of wakefulness, openness, and tenderness that arises when we are fully here and now with our experience (Search Quotes)