Searching Quotes

Text Quotes
The library will endure; it is the universe... We walk the corridors, searching the shelves and rearranging them, looking for lines of meaning amid leagues of cacophony and incoherence, reading the history of the past and of the future, collecting our thoughts and collecting the thoughts of others, and every so often glimpsing mirrors, in which we may recognize creatures of the information (Searching Quotes)
Rise above your circumstances, change the world one person at a time starting with you, and be the inspiration you’ve been searching for (Searching Quotes)
For those searching for something more than just the norm. We lay it all down, including what others call sanity, for just a few moments on waves larger than life. We do this because we know there is still something greater than all of us. Something that inspires us spiritually. We start going down hill, when we stop taking risks (Searching Quotes)
It’s so important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, and then pretty soon you get it (Searching Quotes)
I have found that searching for insight is more often than not a path to total darkness (Searching Quotes)
People are good at figuring out what’s attractive, and computers are good at quickly searching and finding. You put them together, and bang! (Searching Quotes)
In searching for a way out of my own troubles, I had found my way into the troubles of others, some long gone, and now I was trying to find my way back out, through their troubles, as if we human beings can ever learn from one another (Searching Quotes)
Searching all directions with one’s awareness, one finds no one dearer than oneself. In the same way, others are fiercely dear to themselves. So one should not hurt others if one loves oneself (Searching Quotes)
My way is set as in stone, and I don’t feel the need to veer off any longer. It has taken many days of searching and fighting, but in the end I have found what I was looking for. I have found my way home (Searching Quotes)
Most actors make themselves unhappy by searching for their sanity, by insisting on their normalcy; it’s a grave mistake (Searching Quotes)
The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill... The real enemy then is humanity itself (Searching Quotes)
Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home (Searching Quotes)
Who knows what we’ll need to learn thirty years from now? We do know that we will need to be good at searching for information, collating it, and figuring out whether it is right or wrong (Searching Quotes)
You do not need to belong to the cat for a long time to realize the main thing that cats like to do is to wrap theirselves up in mystery, perhaps only except for a hobby of jumbling up everything that is in order. And if the cat can, and usually so, make a great mystery of where it was when you were searching for it even if a moment ago it was sitting by your side, do not have any doubts: its ancestors had a great pleasure to surround its origin by mystery (Searching Quotes)
Like the alchemist of old, for ever searching for the philosopher’s stone, the analyst today never stops looking for stronger moves to prevent the defender from establishing equality (Searching Quotes)
Never look back, except for an occasional glance, look ahead and plan for the future. Success is not built on past laurels, but rather on a continuous activity. Keep busy searching out new ideas and, experimentally, keep ahead of the times, or at least up with them (Searching Quotes)
How could I say that I wished to penetrate the secrets of the mountains in search of something still unknown that, like the yeti, might well be missed for the very fact of searching? (Searching Quotes)
The great stillness in these landscapes that once made me restless seeps into me day by day, and with it the unreasonable feeling that I have found what I was searching for without ever having discovered what it was (Searching Quotes)
We ascribe meanings because it is our nature to do so.. We can no more see a thing without searching for a meaning than we can see a snag in a robe without pulling on the loose thread (Searching Quotes)
My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected (Searching Quotes)
The biggest secret about success is that there isn’t any big secret about it, or if there is, then it’s a secret from me, too. The idea of searching for some secret for trading success misses the point (Searching Quotes)
The provision of health care facilities must be accepted as a social responsibility. It is not that an individual who has the misfortune to be inflicted with some particular disease is solely responsible for searching the facilities to cure his illness. This is a social responsibility which is accepted by governments all over the world. This is part and parcel of the organization of individuals into societies. It is a measure of the degree of civilization (Searching Quotes)
Mountaineering is a relentless pursuit. One climbs further and further yet never reaches the destination. Perhaps that is what gives it its own particular charm. One is constantly searching for something never to be found (Searching Quotes)
I’m constantly searching for ways to do better because I believe life is an evolution. It’s not about reaching an end goal and hanging up your hat... It’s about continually growing (Searching Quotes)
I watched them carefully, as always, searching for a sign of mental weakness. But there was none. Every man was coping well with the hardship, each one of them locked into his task. But it is one thing to practice, and quite another to race. And the trouble is, you never know who, on the day, will find it within his soul to give more than he has ever given before. It takes a kind of madness to compete like that, because of the will power and the ego, and his loyalty. And while some men have it, others have yet to find it. And a coach can only use his best judgement as to who those men will be (Searching Quotes)
I do think that there is an innocence to people who are searching for things. It’s a beautiful thing when you leave yourself vulnerable to discover anything and everything (Searching Quotes)
All of the searching, all of the struggling, all of the efforting to find your true self is naturally revealed in open, relaxed simplicity (Searching Quotes)
Inside any important philanthropy meeting, you witness heads of state meeting with investment managers and corporate leaders. All are searching for answers with their right hand to problems that others in the room have created with their left (Searching Quotes)
I have learned that human beings are not searching for philosophies, even though it may seem that way sometimes. We are searching for something we can trust. And when we find ourselves in the midst of change, the philosophies are like a broken crutch. They do not hold us up. What supports us is a force, an energy, a vortex of love that expresses through us as warmth, creativity, service, and compassion (Searching Quotes)
I had been searching for joy in the relatively good times of life, now I had to find joy amidst darkness and agony (Searching Quotes)