Season Quotes

Text Quotes
I have no intention of lingering through a season, just to have a chance to be an alternate on a relay. I don’t want that (Season Quotes)
The rat stops gnawing in the wood, the dungeon walls withdraw, the weight is lifted your pulse steadies and the sun has found your heart, the day was not bad, the season has not been bad, there is sense and even promise in going on (Season Quotes)
You win pennants in the off season when you build your teams with trades and free agents (Season Quotes)
Once you know what to expect, it gets easier and easier. And now I know what I have to do to prepare for each season and what to expect through each season (Season Quotes)
I was number one in the ratings four times last year and twice this season. What could be more damn equal than that? If they get any more equal, I don’t want it (Season Quotes)
And for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms (Season Quotes)
It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence (Season Quotes)
A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air (Season Quotes)
During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at bats a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball (Season Quotes)
The season starts too early and finishes too late and there are too many games in between (Season Quotes)
Another cat? Perhaps. For love there is also a season; its seeds must be resown. But a family cat is not replaceable like a wornout coat or a set of tires. Each new kitten becomes its own cat, and none is repeated. I am four cats old, measuring out my life in friends that have succeeded but not replaced one another (Season Quotes)
There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself (Season Quotes)
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. It is no season in which to wander the world as if one were the wind blowing aimlessly along the streets without a place to rest, without food, and without time meaning anything to one, just as time means nothing to the wind (Season Quotes)
Against the sustained tick of a watch, fiction takes the measure of a life, a season, a look exchanged, the turning point, desire as brief as a dream, the grief and terror that after childhood we cease to express (Season Quotes)
I played everything. I played lacrosse, baseball, hockey, soccer, track and field. I was a big believer that you played hockey in the winter and when the season was over you hung up your skates and you played something else (Season Quotes)
I remember the last season I played. I went home after a ballgame one day, lay down on my bed, and tears came to my eyes. How can you explain that? It’s like crying for your mother after she’s gone. You cry because you love her. I cried, I guess, because I loved baseball, and I knew I had to leave it (Season Quotes)
Losing doesn’t eat at me the way it used to. I just get ready for the next play, the next game, the next season (Season Quotes)
We all run on two clocks. One is the outside clock, which ticks away our decades and brings us ceaselessly to the dry season. The other is the inside clock, where you are your own timekeeper and determine your own chronology, your own internal weather and your own rate of living. Sometimes the inner clock runs itself out long before the outer one, and you see a dead man going through the motions of living (Season Quotes)
I think any player will tell you that individual accomplishments help your ego, but if you don’t win, it makes for a very, very long season. It counts more that the team has played well (Season Quotes)
Every season we try to do something new. And not for gimmicks. We feel the show has to evolve and keep changing (Season Quotes)
When I was ten, I wrote an essay on what I would be when I grew up and said I would be a professional soccer player and a comedian in off season (Season Quotes)
I don’t do too much outside of football during football season, because this is my job and I take it seriously. I don’t do too much, don’t really go out at all that much, don’t eat out or anything, try to stay focused and stay to myself (Season Quotes)
Last four months were great for me, was probably one of the best four months of my career, playing unbelievable in the clay court season (Season Quotes)
There’s two times of year for me: Football season, and waiting for football season (Season Quotes)
If you are very lucky, you’re allowed to be in certain places during just the right season of your life: by the sea for the summer when you’re seven or eight and full of the absolute need to swim until dark and exhaustion close their hands together, cupping you in between (Season Quotes)
Why? is the boy’s motto, why does, why is, why not? Food, weather, time, fires, sea and season, clothes and cars and people; it’s all grist to the mill of why (Season Quotes)
Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground (Season Quotes)
... a river season will last as long as it takes you to reach your new place. If you get into the river and let it take you where you need to be, your river season will last an afternoon. But if you fear change and struggle and hold on to the rocks, the river season will last and last. It will not end until your body becomes exhausted, your grip weakens, your hands slide off the rocks and the current takes you to your new place (Season Quotes)
Once we have tasted far streams, touched the gold, found some limit beyond the waterfall, a season changes and we come back changed but safe, quiet, grateful (Season Quotes)
The soul grows into lovely habits as easily as into ugly ones, and the moment a life begins to blossom into beautiful words and deeds, that moment a new standard of conduct is established, and your eager neighbors look to you for a continuous manifestation of the good cheer, the sympathy, the ready wit, the comradeship, or the inspiration, you once showed yourself capable of. Bear figs for a season or two, and the world outside the orchard is very unwilling you should bear thistles (Season Quotes)