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Seasons Quotes

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Autumn teaches us that fruition is also death; that ripeness is a form of decay. The willows, having stood for so long near water, begin to rust. Leaves are verbs that conjugate the seasons  (Seasons Quotes) So passed the seasons then, so they pass now, and so they will pass in time to come, while we come and go like leaves of the tree that fall and are soon forgotten  (Seasons Quotes) Time. There is much time left and lots of life seasons. There is much to see, to do, and to be  (Seasons Quotes) Except. What is normal at any given time? We change just as the seasons change, and each spring brings new growth. So nothing is ever quite the same  (Seasons Quotes) Ask her what she craved, and she’d get a little frantic about things like books, the woods, music. Plants and the seasons. Also freedom  (Seasons Quotes) The seasons tell us, everything in organic life tells us, that there is no holding on; still, we try to do just that. Sometimes, though, we learn the kind of wisdom that celebrates the open hand  (Seasons Quotes) Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him  (Seasons Quotes) Decades after a person has stopped collecting bubble gum cards, he can still discover himself collecting ballparks... their smells, their special seasons, their moods  (Seasons Quotes) There are people who live lives little different than the beasts,and I don’t mean that badly. I mean that they accept whatever happens day to day without struggle or question or regret. To them things just are, like the earth and sky and seasons  (Seasons Quotes) Autumn truly is what summer pretends to be: the best of all seasons. It is as glorious as summer is tedious; as subtle as summer is obvious; as refreshing as summer is wearying. Autumn seems like paradise  (Seasons Quotes) To stay in one place and watch the seasons come and go is tanatmount to constant travel: One is traveling with the earth  (Seasons Quotes) Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a person is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves  (Seasons Quotes) I auditioned equally for film and theater. The difference is that theater has seasons, while film, it’s always happening  (Seasons Quotes) I’ve closed my heart down, so many seasons. I didn’t want to hurt again, I didn’t want to try, so I turned myself to ice and stone, said I don’t need anyone, and nobody else would ever make me cry  (Seasons Quotes) People are put into your life for seasons, for different reasons, and to teach you lessons  (Seasons Quotes) Gardener’s, like everyone else, live second by second and minute by minute. What we see at one particular moment is then and there before us. But there is a second way of seeing. Seeing with the eye of memory, not the eye of our anatomy, calls up days and seasons past and years gone by  (Seasons Quotes) Agriculture probably required a far greater discipline than did any form of food collecting. Seeds had to be planted at certain seasons, some protection had to be given to the growing plants and animals, harvests had to be reaped, stored and divided. Thus, we might argue that it was neither leisure time nor a sedentary existence but the more rigorous demands associated with an agricultural way of life that led to great cultural changes  (Seasons Quotes) Who gave you the ability to contemplate the beauty of the skies, the course of the sun, the round moon, the millions of stars, the harmony and rhythm that issue from the world as from a lyre, the return of the seasons, the alternation of the months, the demarcation of day and night, the fruits of the earth, the vastness of the air, the ceaseless motion of the waves, the sound of the wind?  (Seasons Quotes) What is time to a water rat? What is time to the river? Only we humans obsess over days and minutes, hours and seasons  (Seasons Quotes) We might sometimes reflect and recall that the purpose of all our science, technology, industry, manufacturing, commerce, and finance is celebration, planetary celebration. This is what moves the stars through the heavens and the earth through its seasons. The final norm of judgment concerning the success or failure of our technologies is the extent to which they enable us to participate more fully in this grand festival  (Seasons Quotes) There are seasons of our lives when nothing seems to be happening, when no smoke betrays a burned town or homestead and few tears are shed for the newly dead. I have learned not to trust those times, because if the world is at peace then it means someone is planning war  (Seasons Quotes) With my art, it’s the one thing that I know will outlive me and outlive my feelings. It will outlive my depressive seasons  (Seasons Quotes) Modern physics had shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter. For modern physicists... Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter  (Seasons Quotes) Though I hope to have a few more seasons still in senior football, I am studying to be a physiotherapist and masseur when my playing days are over. We married men have to look to the future, you know  (Seasons Quotes) I think that sometimes the great changes in our lives, the ones that divide time, happen so deep down and silently that we don’t even know when they occur.... It frequently happens that the seasons of the greatest change are the times that feel the most tranquil, the most suspended, the most... timeless  (Seasons Quotes) I wonder how it is that people’s philosophies have come to spin faster than the changing seasons  (Seasons Quotes) Southampton have always been at the top, apart from the seasons when they weren’t  (Seasons Quotes) Other seasons come abruptly but ask so little when they do. Winter is the only one that has to be relearned  (Seasons Quotes) The heart’s seasons seldom coincide with the calendar. Who among us has not been made desolate beyond all words upon some golden day when the little creatures of the air and meadow were life incarnate, from sheer joy of living? Who among us has not come home, singing, when the streets were almost impassable with snow, or met a friend with a happy, smiling face, in the midst of a pouring rain?  (Seasons Quotes) Opportunistic relationships can hardly be kept constant. The acquaintance of honorable people, even at a distance, does not add flowers in times of warmth and does not change its leaves in times of cold: it continues unfading through the four seasons, becomes increasingly stable as it passes through ease and danger  (Seasons Quotes)
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