Sebastian Faulks Quotes

Text Quotes
The thing about opium is that it makes pain or difficulty unimaginable (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Why take drugs specifically designed to send you insane? (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Inhale and hold the evening in your lungs (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
It’s better to have a malign providence than an indifferent one (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
You put your time where your priority is (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
It was entirely silent and I tried to breathe its peace (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Our own choices might not be as good as those that are made for us (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Something had been buried that was not yet dead (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
One of the hardest things about being alive is being with other people (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
The physical shock took away the pain of being (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
I want to be careful not to throw all this away. This is happiness. I think this is what happiness is. I haven’t got it yet, but I can sense it out there. I feel I’m close to it. Some days, I’m so close I can almost smell it (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Life can be lived at a remove. You trade in futures, and then you trade in derivatives of futures. Banks make more money trading derivatives than they do trading actual commodities (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be rhubarb fool, which I make with ginger and a hint of elderflower cordial (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
If you have only one life, you can’t altogether ignore the question: are you enjoying it? (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
I think closeness to death would be pretty exhilarating in a way, and friendship, yeh, and selflessness, a kind of selflessness, a sense of your own worthlessness, I think, is pretty exhilarating (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
All my life I had lived on the presumption that there was no existence beyond... flesh, the moment of being alive... then nothing. I had searched in superstition... But there was nothing. Then I heard the sound of my own life leaving me. It was so... tender. I regretted that I had paid it no attention. Then I believed in the wisdom of what other men had found before me... I saw that those simple things might be true... I never wanted to believe in them because it was better to fight my own battle. You can believe in something without compromising the burden of your own existence (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Memory is the only thing that binds you to earlier selves; for the rest, you become an entirely different being every decade or so, sloughing off the old persona, renewing and moving on. You are not who you were, he told her, nor who you will be (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
I suppose that each of us may have a great moment in our life, a month, a week a year, when we are most fully what we are meant to be (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
People never explain to you exactly what they think and feel and how their thoughts and feelings work, do they? They don’t have time. Or the right words. But that’s what books do. It’s as though your daily life is a film in the cinema. It can be fun, looking at those pictures. But if you want to know what lies behind the flat screen you have to read a book. That explains it all (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
And sometimes in life, I imagine, good things do happen. Most of the time, it’s the opposite, obviously. But I don’t think you should rule out the possibility that just occasionally chance might deal you a good card (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Gradually the feeling wears off, and I feel swamped again by the inexplicable pettiness of being alive (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
We all operate on different levels of awareness. Half the time I don’t know what I’m doing (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
I’d never chosen to be alone, but that was the way things had turned out, and I’d grown used to it (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
He wrote one more paragraph for his own sake, to see what he had to say (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
He saw a picture in his mind of a terrible piling up of the dead. It came from his contemplation of the church, but it had its own clarity: the row on row, the deep rotting earth hollowed out to hold them, while the efforts of the living, with all their works and wars and great buildings, were no more than the beat of a wing against the weight of time (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
The function of music is to liberate in the soul those feelings which normally we keep locked up in the heart (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
If not just the brain but the quirks that made the individual were composed of recycled matter only, it was hard to be sure where the edges of one such being ended and another person began (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
Sometimes my whole life seems like a dream; occasionally I think that someone else has lived it for me. The events and the sensations, the stories and the things that make me what I am in the eyes of other people, the list of facts that make my life... They could be mine, they might be yours (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
I know. I was there. I saw the great void in your soul, and you saw mine (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)
This intimacy is not necessary; no one is compelling me to open my inmost self and lay it naked, undefended, against that of another – merely for the joy of the communion (Sebastian Faulks Quotes)