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Seconds Quotes

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Yes, there’s one thing I do want. I want to be aware of the minutes and the seconds, and to make each one count  (Seconds Quotes) We sit there, our eyes locked on one another, for several seconds. I know in my heart we’re both thinking the same thing. Jacob leans forward over the candle, the shadow of the flame dancing against his bottom lip. I lean forward to meet him as well. It’s a kiss full of promise, of trust, and of all that is magic  (Seconds Quotes) And I was remembering that time in our lives together, the time of those ritual walks. I was remembering the way it feels at just that moment when you begin to turn, when you’re poised exactly between the things in life you want to do and those you need to do, and it seems for a few blessed seconds that they are all going to be the same  (Seconds Quotes) Sometimes you walk past a pretty girl on the street there’s something beyond beauty in her face, something warm and smart and inviting, and in the three seconds you have to look at her, you actually fall in love, and in those moments, you can actually know the taste of her kiss, the feel of her skin against yours, the sound of her laugh, how she’ll look at you and make you whole. And then she’s gone, and in the five seconds afterwards, you mourn her loss with more sadness than you’ll ever admit to  (Seconds Quotes) I know you’ll think this is crazy, but all I want to do is hold you, and I think that if you’ll let me do that just for a few seconds, I can walk away, and never speak to you again  (Seconds Quotes) The seconds tick. They always do. The power of an entire sun cannot stop them even for a moment, and so death comes between the moments, like a thief of light in the dark  (Seconds Quotes) People don’t really want to know anything about you. They just want you to fit into their little predetermined slots. They decide what you are in the first two seconds, and they only get nervous or upset if you don’t live up to their snap judgments  (Seconds Quotes) People took what they wanted, they clutched at coincidences, the few there were, and made a life from them... Choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains  (Seconds Quotes) It was the sheer variety of the pain that stopped me from crying out. It came from so many places, spoke so many languages, wore so many dazzling varieties of ethnic costume, that for a full fifteen seconds I could only hang my jaw in amazement  (Seconds Quotes) It takes billions of years to create a human being. And it takes only a few seconds to die  (Seconds Quotes) For some of us love comes into the room, kicks her shoes off,?nds the most comfortable sofa, and lies down, rests, has no intention of going anywhere. For others love walks in smoking a cigarette, checking her watch every two seconds, jittery, with one hand on the doorknob, heart rate up, always in sprinter’s position, ready to run  (Seconds Quotes) By then she was dead. In fact, she may have been dead a while ago. Physically, several seconds ago, mentally, ages ago  (Seconds Quotes) Sometimes the course of our lives depends on what we do or don’t do in a few seconds, a heartbeat, when we either seize the opportunity, or just miss it. Miss the moment and you never get a chance again  (Seconds Quotes) Don’t tell me you’re not beautiful. You’re the kind of beautiful the blind would see if we could figure out some way to give them three seconds of sight  (Seconds Quotes) Every moment of life mattered. Even the perfect snowflake that alighted on his palm and melted in seconds  (Seconds Quotes) Recent research has indicated that the average individual listens for only seventeen seconds before interrupting and interjecting his own ideas  (Seconds Quotes) One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of an old arcade without meeting an instrument of time. Time is visible in all places. Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all  (Seconds Quotes) In composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds, in improvisation you have 15 seconds  (Seconds Quotes) As the seconds of our lives are ticking away, you have to realize that life needs to be an adventure  (Seconds Quotes) You spend more of the game preparing to win in the final seconds. And that is what separates winners from losers  (Seconds Quotes) Fortunate are the nations that can build wooden houses. Because wood breathes, transforms, deteriorates, like us. It is also important to have flowers and plants where we live, because they breathe, too. Contemplating a flower for three seconds can be a captivating solitary journey back to original geometry, which is always revitalizing  (Seconds Quotes) There are 86,400 seconds in a day. It’s up to you to decide what to do with them  (Seconds Quotes) Suddenly, there was an enormous flash of light, the brightest light I have ever seen or that I think anyone has ever seen. It blasted; it pounced; it bored its way into you. It was a vision which was seen with more than the eye. It was seen to last forever. You would wish it would stop; altogether it lasted about two seconds  (Seconds Quotes) Hardware is easy to protect: lock it in a room, chain it to a desk, or buy a spare. Information poses more of a problem. It can exist in more than one place; be transported halfway across the planet in seconds; and be stolen without your knowledge  (Seconds Quotes) Pour the bulk of your time into action, not deciding. The state of indecision is a major time waster. Don’t spend more than 60 seconds in that state if you can avoid it. Make a firm, immediate decision, and move from uncertainty to certainty to action. Let the world tell you when you’re wrong, and you’ll soon build enough experience to make accurate, intelligent decisions  (Seconds Quotes) Magic is antiphysics, so it can’t really exist. But is shares one thing with science. I can explain the principle behind a good science experiment in 15 seconds; the same way with magic  (Seconds Quotes) It takes two seconds to tell the truth and it costs nothing. A lie takes time and it costs everything  (Seconds Quotes) No one coaches what to do after three seconds, after the quarterback’s broken the pocket or he’s been in the pocket for five, six seconds  (Seconds Quotes) This idea fascinates me. The idea that a few seconds of watching a photographer in action can tell you his/her status in the medium. And it’s true. If you watch a photographer of merit working an event he/she does not look like an amateur  (Seconds Quotes) We’re all hoping to drop at least a few seconds in the finals. There’s a lot of girls that didn’t even swim this morning that will be racing us tonight, so we are going to be in the mindset that we are still just as fresh  (Seconds Quotes)
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