Security Quotes

Text Quotes
We’re an elective democracy where science and technology will define where the economically strong countries in the world will be. And science and technological literacy is important for security, as well (Security Quotes)
There is a universal urge to rethink our spirituality in order to give us a new sense of security (Security Quotes)
Pakistans future viability, stability and security lie in empowering its people and building political institutions. My goal is to prove that the fundamental battle for the hearts and minds of a generation can be accomplished only under democracy (Security Quotes)
I think a loaded weapon aboard an airplane, whether its in the cargo section or in your overhead baggage, is a security issue (Security Quotes)
Security isn’t what I hunger for. I hunger for change. I hunger for connection (Security Quotes)
Shun security, I advise aspiring novelists when they complain to me that they are stuck. Get disoriented. Maybe your agonizing writing block isn’t agonizing enough. Your enemy is comfort (Security Quotes)
Creativity is dangerous. We cannot open ourselves to new insights without endangering the security of our prior assumptions. We cannot propose new ideas without risking disapproval and rejection (Security Quotes)
Strong managers who make tough decisions to cut jobs provide the only true job security in today’s world. Weak managers are the problem. Weak managers destroy jobs (Security Quotes)
I fought the idea of having security for a very long time, because I really value normalcy. I really do. I like to be able to take a drive by myself (Security Quotes)
There is not much collective security in a flock of sheep on the way to the butcher (Security Quotes)
Security isn’t securities. It’s knowing that someone cares whether you are or cease to be (Security Quotes)
The fantastical idea of virtue and the public good being a sufficient security to the state against the commission of crimes, which you say you have heard insisted on by some, I assure you was never mine (Security Quotes)
No government can guarantee security. It can only tax production, distribution and service and gradually crush the power to pay taxes. That settles nothing. It only uses up the gains of the past and postpones the developments of the future (Security Quotes)
The best security for people’s doing their duty is that they should not know anything else to do (Security Quotes)
It’s not the suffering of birth, death, love that the young reject, but the suffering of endless labor without dream, eating the spare bread in bitterness, being a slave without the security of a slave (Security Quotes)
Against other things it is possible to obtain security, but when it comes to death we human beings all live in an unwalled city (Security Quotes)
I have a huge need for financial security; the emigrant in me has a fear of ending up homeless and in the gutter (Security Quotes)
People have to be free to investigate computer security. People have to be free to look for the vulnerabilities and create proof of concept code to show that they are true vulnerabilities in order for us to secure our systems (Security Quotes)
The militia is our ultimate safety. We can have no security without it. The great object is that every man be armed (Security Quotes)
It enhances our sense of the grand security and serenity of nature to observe the still undisturbed economy and content of the fishes of this century, their happiness a regular fruit of the summer (Security Quotes)
Index funds do not trade from security to security and, thus, they tend to avoid capital gains taxes (Security Quotes)
We urge the beginner in security buying not to waste his efforts and his money in trying to beat the market. Let him study security values and initially test out his judgment on price versus value with the smallest possible sums (Security Quotes)
The ideal form of common stock analysis leads to a valuation of the issue which can be compared with the current price to determine whether or not the security is an attractive purchase (Security Quotes)
Institutions which have too much security... tend to become bureaucratic. They add layers of people and layers of rules in order to assure the security of not making mistakes (Security Quotes)
If the choice is given to us of liberty or security, we must scorn the latter with the proper contempt of free man and the sound judgment of wise men who know that liberty and security are not incompatible in the lives of honest men (Security Quotes)
... in one sense a foundation is a security blanket: If you meticulously follow the rules laid down, no paradoxes or contradictions will arise. In reality there is now no guarantee of this sort of security (Security Quotes)
The wise and just man will always feel that he stands on his own feet; that he imparts strength to the state, not receives security from it; and if all went down, he and such as he would quite easily combine in a new and better constitution (Security Quotes)
There is still work to be done, but that remains a crucial lesson, you cannot bring peace and security to people just by signing an agreement. In fact, most peace agreements don’t last (Security Quotes)
Don’t live in the castles; freedom is in the fields! But I can also say: Don’t live in the fields; security is in the castles! (Security Quotes)
Society needs to see science not as a luxury of funding but as a fundamental activity that drives enlightenment, economics, and security (Security Quotes)