Security Quotes

Text Quotes
All military regimes use security as the reason why they should remain in power. It’s nothing original (Security Quotes)
I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend? (Security Quotes)
I used to think that one of the great signs of security was the ability to just walk away (Security Quotes)
The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career! (Security Quotes)
We have now just enshrined, as soon as I sign this bill, the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their healthcare (Security Quotes)
America is a country that seems forever to be toddler or teenager, at those two stages of human development characterized by conflict between autonomy and security (Security Quotes)
In a world in which the total of human knowledge is doubling about every ten years, our security can rest only on our ability to learn (Security Quotes)
Security... it’s simply the recognition that changes will take place and the knowledge that you’re willing to deal with whatever happens (Security Quotes)
Leave bands, go back to obscurity if I choose to, without a great sense of loss of security because it’s all been based on the fact that I did it on my own or was doing, enjoying doing it on my own in the first place (Security Quotes)
Resentment seems to have been given us by nature for a defense, and for a defense only! It is the safeguard of justice and the security of innocence (Security Quotes)
Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release (Security Quotes)
Security is when everything is settled, when nothing can happen to you; security is the denial of life (Security Quotes)
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results (Security Quotes)
I have some security that could protect me against provocations but of course there are more terrible actions that could not be stopped by any security (Security Quotes)
Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others (Security Quotes)
A man cannot tell whether a woman is in love with him or his security blanket until she is financially and psychologically independent enough to leave. Until a woman has learned how to leave, even she cannot be sure she has learned to love (Security Quotes)
The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep he waters pure (Security Quotes)
There is no security, no assurance that because we wrote something good two months ago, we will do it again. Actually, every time we begin, we wonder how we ever did it before (Security Quotes)
When you know that you’re capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer (Security Quotes)
A man’s own good breeding is the best security against other people’s ill manners (Security Quotes)
Each makes this cosmos and its construction the pivot of his emotional life, in order to find in this way peace and security which he can not find in the narrow whirlpool of personal experience (Security Quotes)
Today, no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crises in another. What begins with the failure to uphold the dignity of one life all too often ends with a calamity for entire nations (Security Quotes)
Money brings you security and choice. You can make decisions in a different way if you have a lot of money. But when you have nothing, you have a naivety, and a more fearless attitude because you have nothing to lose (Security Quotes)
I feel very lucky that I don’t have to rely on a man to give me financial security. That’s a big deal (Security Quotes)
National security laws must protect national security. But they must also protect the public trust and preserve the ability of an informed electorate to hold its government to account (Security Quotes)
Everyone’s goals are the same with very small differences. I mean, the goal of a socialist and the goal of a libertarian are exactly the same. The goals are happiness and security and freedom, and you balance those (Security Quotes)
Refuse to accept the belief that your professional relevance, career success or financial security turns on the next update on the latest technology. Sometimes it’s good to put the paddle down and just let the canoe glide (Security Quotes)
You can avoid the press if you really want to and I don’t walk around with five security guards either because I think that just draws attention (Security Quotes)
You can’t kill your way to security and you can’t lead by scaring people (Security Quotes)
We do not deny any nation’s legitimate interest in security. But protecting the security of one nation by robbing another of its national independence and national traditions is not legitimate. In the long run, it is not even secure (Security Quotes)