Security Quotes

Text Quotes
Early childhood education is an urgent educational, economic and moral imperative. Without it, we face a long-term national economic security crisis. (Security Quotes)
Accounting for the unpaid care economy can drive progressive policies such as paid family leave, social security credits for early childcare, tax credits, and quality early childhood education. (Security Quotes)
I think marriage is a good thing for children, because it gives them a feeling of security (Security Quotes)
The greatest source of security our children have in this world is a God-honoring, Christ-centered marriage between their parents. (Security Quotes)
I know the celestial criteria measure service, not status; the use of our talents, not the relative size of our talent inventories. I know that Church membership is not passive security but continuing opportunity. (Security Quotes)
Men after the heart of God become the moral conscience, the guidance and custodians of justice, not simply in the security of the four walls of their church (Security Quotes)
When I was young I had a security blanket and a pet dog. The dog got sick and died and the blanket had to be burned, so I guess I was trying to recreate the image of security in the bunny. It was a Citizen Kane/Rosebud thing. (Security Quotes)
In a free government the security for civil rights must be the same as that for religious rights (Security Quotes)
I believe that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act must be reformed. We must improve the American public’s confidence in, and perception of, our national security programs, by increasing transparency, strengthening oversight, and safeguarding civil liberties. (Security Quotes)
We have got to protect privacy rights. We have got to protect our God-given, constitutionally protected civil liberties, and we are not doing that in the federal government. The Department of Homeland Security, as well as the TSA, is a great culprit in being a Gestapo-type organization. (Security Quotes)
No one should be surprised that in the balance between national security and civil liberties, President [Donald] Trump, like candidate Trump wants to be more aggressive. (Security Quotes)
I went to work for the Civil Service. I’d wanted to work for the Ministry of Defence because I had some far-fetched idea that it had something to do with the Avengers, but I ended up in Social Security. (Security Quotes)
I do not think that war is always wrong: sometimes it is necessary to stop a dictator, prevent massive human-rights abuses, or expel an invader. But I have also seen that in the modern world, civil wars are the greatest threat to humanitarian security. (Security Quotes)
When President-elect [Donald] Trump wants to take on these issue, when his goal is to increase the economic security of middle class families, then count me in. (Security Quotes)
This is what class warfare looks like: The Business Roundtable - representing Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and others - has called on Congress to raise the eligibility age of Social Security and Medicare to 70, cut Social Security and veterans’ COLAs, raise taxes on working families and cut taxes for the largest corporations in America. (Security Quotes)
We need to make sure that leaks of classified information, of national security secrets, needs to be rigorously pursued and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. (Security Quotes)
Energy security based on clean and reliable sources is essential for India’s future. Nuclear energy has a key role in India’s energy strategy. (Security Quotes)
I would argue that we have a patriotic duty to move toward energy independence and clean energy. It is a matter of national security - energy security, climate security, economic security, job security, everything. (Security Quotes)
It was immediately clear to me that security was a cross-cutting issue, so rather than dividing the space up in parallel with each of the other areas, I wanted security cut across the areas in addition to having its own content. (Security Quotes)
I’ve been pretty clear about saying that I think that the No. 1 threat to our national security is our debt. And we’ve got to get our arms around that and head it in another - head it in the right direction - that we have to pay our fair share of this. (Security Quotes)
The message from national security experts and citizens around the world is clear: The only way to eliminate the global nuclear danger is to eliminate all nuclear weapons. (Security Quotes)
You know, there’s a real irony in U.S. assistance programs. First of all, I think it’s misnamed. We’re not so much trying to help people as we’re trying to help ourselves. So let’s be clear about this. So these are - in my view, they’re cold calculations of national security and not aid programs. (Security Quotes)
Enhancing long term national security requires that we have a clear-eyed view of radical Islamic terrorism without ascribing radical Islamic terrorist views to all Muslims. (Security Quotes)
Why did the Clinton Administration wait from 1995 to 1998 to tighten security and bolster counterintelligence at U.S. weapons labs? (Security Quotes)
I think in all of us there is a profound longing for friendship, a deep yearning for the satisfaction and security that close and lasting friendships can give. (Security Quotes)
Strangely enough, the linking of computers has taken place democratically, even anarchically. Its rules and habits are emerging in the open light, rather shall behind the closed doors of security agencies or corporate operations centers. (Security Quotes)
Cloud computing is a challenge to security, but one that can be overcome (Security Quotes)
Cloud services cut both ways in terms of security: you get off-site backup and disaster recovery, but you entrust your secrets to somebody else’s hands. Doing the latter increases your exposure to government surveillance and the potential for deliberate or inadvertent breaches of your confidential files. (Security Quotes)
We are ready to engage in international co-operation against terrorism with a view to safeguarding national interests and regional security and stability. (Security Quotes)
Over the last five years, the Administration and the majority in Congress have appropriated less than $900 million for port security grants - despite the Coast Guard’s determination that $5.4 billion is needed over 10 years. (Security Quotes)