See, it doesn't hurt. So, why does mommy always cry when she steps on it

See, it doesn't hurt. So, why does mommy always cry when she steps on it
"See, it doesn't hurt. So, why does mommy always cry when she steps on it?" These words echoed in my mind as I watched my mother struggle with her weight. It was a constant battle for her, one that seemed to consume her every thought and action. I couldn't understand why something as simple as stepping on a scale could bring her to tears.Growing up, I witnessed my mother's struggles with her weight firsthand. She tried every diet and exercise plan under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. She would lose a few pounds here and there, only to gain them back and then some. It was a vicious cycle that left her feeling defeated and hopeless.
I remember one particular day when I found her crying in the bathroom after stepping on the scale. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I just don't understand why I can't lose this weight. It's like I'm trapped in this body that I don't recognize anymore." My heart broke for her in that moment, as I realized the depth of her pain and frustration.
As I grew older, I began to understand the societal pressures and expectations that had contributed to my mother's struggles with her weight. The media bombards us with images of thin, perfect bodies, leading us to believe that anything less is unacceptable. My mother had internalized these messages, believing that her worth was tied to her appearance.
I also learned that my mother's weight struggles were not just physical, but emotional as well. She used food as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions. The weight she carried on her body was a reflection of the weight she carried in her heart.
Despite her struggles, my mother never gave up. She continued to fight for her health and well-being, seeking support from loved ones and professionals. She taught me the importance of self-love and acceptance, regardless of what the scale may say.
So, when I hear those words, "See, it doesn't hurt. So, why does mommy always cry when she steps on it?" I am reminded of my mother's strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Her journey has taught me that true beauty comes from within, and that our worth is not defined by a number on a scale.