Seeds Quotes

Text Quotes
Events, circumstances, etc., have their origin in ourselves. They spring from seeds which we have sown (Seeds Quotes)
There’s no need for us to be held back by the past or how things have been so far. The important thing is what seeds we are sowing now for the future (Seeds Quotes)
If a man would reap praise, you must sow the seeds, gentle words and useful deeds (Seeds Quotes)
I believe in the power that not only allows the sun to rise but turns seeds into flowers and dreams into realities (Seeds Quotes)
The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination (Seeds Quotes)
Do you wish the world were happy? Then remember day by day, just to scatter seeds of kindness as you pass along the way (Seeds Quotes)
Life is the soil, our choices and actions the sun and rain, but our dreams are the seeds (Seeds Quotes)
Farmers are patient men. They got to be. Got to see those seeds come up week by week, fraction by fraction, and sweat it out for some days not knowing yet is it weeds or vegetables (Seeds Quotes)
Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the community and sow the seeds of discontent amongst them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. Without them, in our incomplete state, there would be no advance towards civilization (Seeds Quotes)
Opportunities, many times, are so small that we glimpse them not and yet they are often the seeds of great enterprises. Opportunities are also everywhere and so you must always let your hook be hanging. When you least expect it, a great fish will swim by (Seeds Quotes)
We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another, and no sunrise finds us where left by sunset. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of that tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind to be scattered (Seeds Quotes)
It is easy enough to arouse in a listener a desire for what is honorable; for in every one of us nature has laid the foundations or sown the seeds of the virtues. We are born to them all, all of us, and when a person comes along with the necessary stimulus, then those qualities of the personality are awakened, so to speak, from their slumber (Seeds Quotes)
Poor people are bonsai people. There is nothing wrong in their seeds. Simply, society never gave them the base to grow on. All it needs to get the poor people out of poverty for us to create an enabling environment for them. Once the poor can unleash their energy and creativity, poverty will disappear very quickly (Seeds Quotes)
However much we talk of the inexorable laws governing the life of individuals and of societies, we remain at the bottom convinced that in human affairs everything in more or less fortuitous. We do not even believe in the inevitability of our own death. Hence the difficulty of deciphering the present, of detecting the seeds of things to come as they germinate before our eyes. We are not attuned to seeing the inevitable (Seeds Quotes)
When all is said and done, is there any more wonderful sight, any moment when man’s reason is nearer to some sort of contact with the nature of the world than the sowing of seeds, the planting of cuttings, the transplanting of shrubs or the grafting of slips? (Seeds Quotes)
Give me the fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself (Seeds Quotes)
Speak the truth! One committed mouth carries the seeds that could change a generation and change the world (Seeds Quotes)
The destinies of the two races in this country are indissolubly linked together, and the interests of both require that the common government of all shall not permit the seeds of race hate to be planted under the sanction of law (Seeds Quotes)
To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds and watch, their renewal of life, this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing a man can do (Seeds Quotes)
For not only every democracy, but certainly every republic, bears within itself the seeds of its own destruction (Seeds Quotes)
The difference is that for a soundly conceived and solidly endowed republic it takes a great deal longer for those seeds to germinate and the plants to grow (Seeds Quotes)
One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds (Seeds Quotes)
So the stimulus didn’t just waste your money; it planted the seeds from which the poisonous tree of death panels will grow (Seeds Quotes)
So the pendulum swings, now violently, now slowly; and every institution not only carries within it the seeds of its own dissolution, but prepares the way for its most hated rival (Seeds Quotes)
There is life in the ground: it goes into the seeds; and it also, when it is stirred up, goes into the man who stirs it (Seeds Quotes)
To get the most out of your life, plant in your mind seeds of constructive power that will yield fruitful results (Seeds Quotes)
If you’re still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today (Seeds Quotes)
Apothegms to thinking minds are the seeds from which spring vast fields of new thought, that may be further cultivated, beautified, and enlarged (Seeds Quotes)
Ah! What seeds for a paradise I bore in my heart, of which birds of prey have robbed me (Seeds Quotes)
Visions for those too tired to sleep, these seeds cast a film over eyes which weep (Seeds Quotes)