Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more

Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more
Terry Pratchett, the beloved author of the Discworld series, was a master at weaving together humor, fantasy, and profound philosophical insights. One of the recurring themes in his work is the idea that seeing is not necessarily believing. In fact, Pratchett often turned this notion on its head, suggesting that belief is actually what stops when we truly see and understand something.In the Discworld novels, characters often find themselves confronted with strange and fantastical events that challenge their preconceived notions of reality. Whether it's a talking turtle carrying the world on its back or a city that exists in multiple dimensions at once, Pratchett's characters are forced to confront the limits of their own beliefs. And it is through this process of seeing and experiencing the world in all its complexity that they are able to transcend their previous beliefs and open themselves up to new possibilities.
One of the most iconic characters in the Discworld series is Death himself, a skeletal figure who speaks in CAPITAL LETTERS and has a fondness for cats. Death is a constant presence in the series, serving as a reminder of the inevitability of mortality and the importance of living life to the fullest. In one of the most poignant moments in the series, Death reflects on the nature of belief and seeing, saying, "Seeing is not believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more."
This idea is echoed throughout Pratchett's work, as characters are forced to confront their own limitations and biases in order to truly see the world around them. In a world where magic and myth are real, belief is not enough to navigate the complexities of existence. It is only through truly seeing and understanding the world as it is that characters are able to move beyond their own limitations and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie before them.