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Seldom Quotes

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I seldom play in a trio, but acoustic music is likely to be lighter, quicker, and quieter  (Seldom Quotes) Coming from a farming background, I saw nothing out of the ordinary in running barefoot, although it seemed to startle the rest of the athletics world. I have always enjoyed going barefoot and when I was growing up I seldom wore shoes, even when I went into town  (Seldom Quotes) For my part, I confess I seldom listen to the players: one has so much to do, in looking about and finding out one’s acquaintance, that, really, one has no time to mind the stage. One merely comes to meet one’s friends, and show that one’s alive  (Seldom Quotes) A youthful mind is seldom totally free from ambition; to curb that, is the first step to contentment, since to diminish expectation is to increase enjoyment  (Seldom Quotes) Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face  (Seldom Quotes) I think its really matured a lot. I like the fact that there is now more to do there than gamble, since I don’t do a lot of that. The people are great. I seldom have time for vacations and when I do I prefer the beach instead of the desert  (Seldom Quotes) You seldom get that in film where you’re lucky if you get any say at all in the final cut  (Seldom Quotes) It is seldom in life that one knows that a coming event is to be of crucial importance  (Seldom Quotes) We invoke the sacrifices of our fallen heroes in the abstract, but we seldom take time to thank them individually  (Seldom Quotes) Life holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time. Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it. Time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart  (Seldom Quotes) People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved  (Seldom Quotes) You have to remember we’re just performers, that we seldom have any kind of grasp on real life  (Seldom Quotes) My interest in desperation lies only in that sometimes I find myself having become desperate. Very seldom do I start out that way. I can see of course that, in the abstract, thinking and all activity is rather desperate  (Seldom Quotes) All a woman needs is a good bath, clean clothes, and for her hair to be combed. These things she can do herself. I very seldom go to the hairdresser, but when I do, I just marvel  (Seldom Quotes) Don’t think that because you haven’t heard from me for a while that I went to sleep. I am still here, like a spirit roaming the night. Thirsty, hungry, seldom stopping to rest  (Seldom Quotes) People of substance may sin without being exposed for their stolen pleasure; but servants and the poorer sort of women have seldom an opportunity of concealing a big belly, or at least the consequences of it  (Seldom Quotes) We seldom call anybody lazy, but such as we reckon inferior to us, and of whom we expect some service  (Seldom Quotes) I’m actually a very quiet person off the golf course. I talk 150 miles per hour when I’m at the course, but when in private I very seldom ever open my mouth  (Seldom Quotes) I have an acquired taste for language, yet it is seldom an actual focus of mine  (Seldom Quotes) No one believes an hypothesis except its originator but everyone believes an experiment except the experimenter. Most people are ready to believe something based on experiment but the experimenter knows the many little things that could have gone wrong in the experiment. For this reason the discoverer of a new fact seldom feels quite so confident of it as others do. On the other hand other people are usually critical of an hypothesis, whereas the originator identifies himself with it and is liable to become devoted to it  (Seldom Quotes) Conditions are seldom ideal, and if one waits long enough for ideal conditions one is just making excuses  (Seldom Quotes) Character is tested by true sentiments more than by conduct. A man is seldom better than his word  (Seldom Quotes) Life is seldom as unendurable as, to judge by the facts, it logically ought to be  (Seldom Quotes) The poets of each generation seldom sing a new song. They turn to themes men always have loved, and sing them in the mode of their times  (Seldom Quotes) There seldom is enmity between seasoned old politicians, who know as much as men can of human weakness and human strength  (Seldom Quotes) The human animal needs a freedom seldom mentioned, freedom from intrusion. He needs a little privacy as much as he wants understanding or vitamins or exercise or praise  (Seldom Quotes) Ports are necessities, like postage stamps or soap, but they seldom seem to care what impressions they make  (Seldom Quotes) It is so seldom that a young fellow has any inclination for the company of an old man  (Seldom Quotes) When you’re a black woman, you seldom get to do what you just want to do; you always do what you have to do  (Seldom Quotes) Power intoxicates men. When a man is intoxicated by alcohol, he can recover, but when intoxicated by power, he seldom recovers  (Seldom Quotes)
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