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Seldom Quotes

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There are chapters in every life which are seldom read and certainly not aloud  (Seldom Quotes) What appears in newspapers is often new but seldom true  (Seldom Quotes) Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly  (Seldom Quotes) To have that kind of ovation, that happens very seldom for a lineman  (Seldom Quotes) Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure  (Seldom Quotes) Achievements, seldom credited to their source, are the result of unspeakable drudgery and worries  (Seldom Quotes) Average people seldom talked about anything interesting and often hurt each other savagely  (Seldom Quotes) You very seldom see a picture where you watch the process of falling in love  (Seldom Quotes) Experience has always shown, and reason also, that affairs which depend on many seldom succeed  (Seldom Quotes) Woman is quick to revere genius, but in her secret soul she seldom loves it  (Seldom Quotes) When writing is good, everything is symbolic, but symbolic writing is seldom good  (Seldom Quotes) It has always been desirable to tell the truth, but seldom if ever necessary  (Seldom Quotes) ... men seldom risk their lives where an escape is without hope of recompense  (Seldom Quotes) Nature is seldom in the wrong, custom always  (Seldom Quotes) Flirtation is a circulating library, in which we seldom ask twice for the same volume  (Seldom Quotes) Wisdom may be the ultimate arbiter, but is seldom the immediate agent in human affairs  (Seldom Quotes) The second, sober thought of the people is seldom wrong, and always efficient  (Seldom Quotes) Fashion seldom interferes with nature without diminishing her grace and efficiency  (Seldom Quotes) How seldom we recognize the sound when the bolt of our fate slides home  (Seldom Quotes) There is seldom a difficulty with religion where there is friendship  (Seldom Quotes) True beauty is rare, and seldom recognized by the one who possesses it  (Seldom Quotes) What life gives us, good or bad, we seldom deserve  (Seldom Quotes) I was ever the realist, sometimes to my sorrow. But seldom to my regret  (Seldom Quotes) Morality is seldom a safe guide for human conduct  (Seldom Quotes) Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted  (Seldom Quotes) I’m seldom right, but I’m never in doubt  (Seldom Quotes) That which begins not with prayer, seldom winds up with comfort  (Seldom Quotes) The wealthy seldom possess wealth: oftener they are possessed by it  (Seldom Quotes) Football fanaticism and high intellect seldom go together  (Seldom Quotes) A family stitched together with love seldom unravels  (Seldom Quotes)
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