Self Esteem Quotes

Text Quotes
The achievement of freedom is hardly possible without the felt mourning. This ability to mourn, i.e, to give up the illusion of a happy childhood, can restore vitality and creativity if a person is able to experience that he was never loved as a child for what he was, but for his achievements, success and good qualities. And that he sacrificed his childhood for this love, this will shake him very deeply (Self Esteem Quotes)
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If he lives with hostility, he learn s to fight. If a child lives with shame, he learn to fell ashamed (Self Esteem Quotes)
The abused children are alone with their suffering, not only within the family, but also within themselves. They cannot crate a place in their own soul where they could cry their beart out (Self Esteem Quotes)
We simply must get it through our heads that holding a low opinion of ourselves is not a virtue, but a vice (Self Esteem Quotes)
Getting the pretty back is about getting back in touch with your essential self: the part of you that knows what you really want (Self Esteem Quotes)
It is the mark of a superior person that, left to themselves they are able endlessly to amuse, interest and entertain themselves out of their personal stock of meditations, ideas, criticisms, memories, philosophy, humor and what not (Self Esteem Quotes)
The message I hope to have sent is just the example of being yourself. I tell this to my students: It’s not about copying me or my logic systems. It’s about allowing yourself to be yourself (Self Esteem Quotes)
It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself (Self Esteem Quotes)
As long as you believe in yourself and your own vision, you have something. When you give up that, you are personally bankrupt (Self Esteem Quotes)
Your ears are yours alone. Tell others what you alone can hear. Your voice is yours alone. Tell others what only you can say. Your eyes are yours alone. Show others what only you can see (Self Esteem Quotes)
I’ve never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that (Self Esteem Quotes)
At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want (Self Esteem Quotes)
It is rewarding to find someone you like, but it is essential to like yourself. It is quickening to recognize that someone is a good and decent human being, but it is indispensable to view yourself as acceptable. It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect and admiration and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things (Self Esteem Quotes)
You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. Of all the people you will know in the lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose (Self Esteem Quotes)
The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself (Self Esteem Quotes)
Today, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to be good to me (Self Esteem Quotes)
Be thou what thou singly art and personate only thyself. Swim smoothly in the stream of thy nature and live but one man (Self Esteem Quotes)
Be aware of your infinite connection to your source. Know that you’re more than an encapsulated collection of bones, blood and organs in a skin and hair covered body (Self Esteem Quotes)
What you feel is wrong or missing in your relationships is an indication that something is amiss within you (Self Esteem Quotes)
You have a one of a kind gift to offer this world, and you are unique in the entire history of creation (Self Esteem Quotes)
In your personal morality code, make it the most serious kind of sin to tell a lie to yourself. Allow nothing to be as sacred as your own word. Make this one change in your life, and your whole life will change (Self Esteem Quotes)
I own my life. And only mine. And so I shall appreciate my person. And so I shall make proper use of myself (Self Esteem Quotes)
As we open our hearts to others, we begin to discover the truth of our own inner beauty, inner strength and inner light (Self Esteem Quotes)
The foundation of the world lies in the nation. The foundation of the nation lies in the family. The foundation of the family lies in the individual (Self Esteem Quotes)
It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts (Self Esteem Quotes)
We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other people’s models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open (Self Esteem Quotes)
Whoever you are, there is some younger person who thinks you are perfect. There is some work that will never be done if you don’t do it. There is someone who would miss you if you were gone. There is a place that you alone can fill (Self Esteem Quotes)
Good for you and be proud of yourself because you have your priorities in order. Be proud of yourself if you are responsible, reliable, persistent, and take your job and education seriously (Self Esteem Quotes)
Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use (Self Esteem Quotes)
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself (Self Esteem Quotes)