Seneca The Younger Quotes

Text Quotes
Long is the road to learning by precepts, but short and successful by examples (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Retirement without literary amusements is death itself, and a living tomb (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Accustom yourself to that which you bear ill, and you will bear it well (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
When once ambition has passed its natural limits, its progress is boundless (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Corporeal punishment falls far more heavily than most weighty pecuniary penalty (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Concealed anger is to be feared; but hatred openly manifested destroys its chance of revenge (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The greatest man is he who chooses right with the most invincible resolution (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The wise man lives as long as he should, not just as long as he likes (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who boasts of his pedigree praises that which does not belong to him (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
This body is not a home, but an inn; and that only for a short time (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Everything that exceeds the bounds of moderation has an unstable foundation (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Be not dazzled by beauty, but look for those inward qualities which are lasting (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Beauty is such a fleeting blossom, how can wisdom rely upon its momentary delight? (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He grieves more than is necessary who grieves before any cause for sorrow has arisen (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Anger is like a ruin, which, in falling upon its victim, breaks itself to pieces (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Vice is contagious, and there is no trusting the sound and the sick together (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
We are sure to get the better of fortune if we do but grapple with her (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Most people fancy themselves innocent of those crimes of which they cannot be convicted (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Humanity is fortunate, because no man is unhappy except by his own fault (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is impossible to imagine anything which better becomes a ruler than mercy (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who receives a benefit with gratitude, repays the first installment of it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Behold a contest worthy of a God, a brave man matched in conflict with adversity (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Whereas a prolonged life is not necessarily better, a prolonged death is necessarily worse (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
A man who suffers or stresses before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Death is sometimes a punishment, often a gift; to many it has been a favor (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Prudence and love cannot be mixed; you can end love, but never moderate it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
How can a thing possibly govern others when it cannot be governed itself? (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
A good character is the only guarantee of everlasting, carefree happiness (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
So called pleasures, when they go beyond a certain limit, are but punishments (Seneca The Younger Quotes)