Seneca The Younger Quotes

Text Quotes
What madness it is for a man to starve himself to enrich his heir, and so turn a friend into an enemy! For his joy at your death will be proportioned to what you leave him (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Why do people not confess vices? It is because they have not yet laid them aside. It is a waking person only who can tell their dreams (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The acquisition of riches has been to many not an end to their miseries, but a change in them: The fault is not in the riches, but the disposition (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No action will be considered blameless, unless the will was so, for by the will the act was dictated (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let wickedness escape as it may at the bar, it never fails of doing justice upon itself; for every guilty person is his own hangman (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let not the enjoyment of pleasures now within your grasp, be carried to such excess as to incapacitate you from future repetition (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
What is more insane than to vent on senseless things the anger that is felt towards men? (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
You find in some a sort of graceless modesty, that makes them ashamed to requite an obligation (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He is greedy of life who is not willing to die when the world is perishing around him (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
To give and to lose is nothing; but to lose and to give still is the part of a great mind (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let the man, who would be grateful, think of repaying a kindness, even while receiving it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
We are born to lose and to perish, to hope and to fear, to vex ourselves and others; and there is no antidote against a common calamity but virtue; for the foundation of true joy is in the conscience (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
That which we are not permitted to have we delight in; that which we can have is disregarded (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If we desire to judge justly, we must persuade ourselves that none of us is without sin (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let him who has granted a favour speak not of it; let him who has received one, proclaim it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
There is no greater punishment of wickedness that that it is dissatisfied with itself and its deeds (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
To preserve the life of citizens, is the greatest virtue in the father of his country (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is the practice of the multitude to bark at eminent men, as little dogs do at strangers (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
So enjoy the pleasures of the hour as not to spoil those that are to follow (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is a tedious thing to be always beginning life; they live badly who always begin to live (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He invites the commission of a crime who does not forbid it, when it is in his power to do so (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Death falls heavily on that man who, known too well to others, dies in ignorance of himself (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The velocity with which time flies is infinite, as is most apparent to those who look back (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
A benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Before old age I took care to live well; in old age I take care to die well; but to die well is to die willingly (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
A hungry people listens not to reason, not cares for justice, nor is bent by any prayers (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The great blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and, like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If you live according to nature, you never will be poor; if according to the world’s caprice, you will never be rich (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
We are members of one great body. Nature planted in us a mutual love, and fitted us for a social life. We must consider that we were born for the good of the whole (Seneca The Younger Quotes)