Seneca The Younger Quotes

Text Quotes
The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
What must be shall be; and that which is a necessity to him that struggles, is little more than choice to him that is willing (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Successful crime is dignified with the name of virtue; the good become the slaves of the wicked; might makes right; fear silences the power of the law (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Look at the stars lighting up the sky: no one of them stays in the same place (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
What with our hooks, snares, nets, and dogs, we are at war with all living creatures, and nothing comes amiss but that which is either too cheap or too common; and all this is to gratify a fantastical palate (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let us say what we feel, and feel what we say; let speech harmonize with life (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
This is the reason we cannot complain of life: it keeps no one against his will (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who seeks wisdom is a wise man; he who thinks he has found it is mad (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If wisdom were offered me with this restriction, that I should keep it close and not communicate it, I would refuse the gift (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Why does no one confess his sins? Because he is yet in them. It is for a man who has awoke from sleep to tell his dreams (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Nature does not turn out her work according to a single pattern; she prides herself upon her power of variation (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Nature does not reveal all her secrets at once. We imagine we are initiated in her mysteries: we are, as yet, but hanging around her outer courts (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It’s not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The whole duty of man is embraced in the two principles of abstinence and patience: temperance in prosperity, and patient courage in adversity (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
With parsimony a little is sufficient; without it nothing is sufficient; but frugality makes a poor man rich (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in finding the solution (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If you don’t know, ask. You will be a fool for the moment, but a wise man for the rest of your life (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate, and not less great is the man to whom all his plate is no more that earthenware (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
There is no benefit so large that malignity will not lessen it; none so narrow that a good interpretation will not enlarge it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Nothing is more disgraceful than that an old man should have nothing to show to prove that he has lived long, except his years (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It goes far toward making a man faithful to let him understand that you think him so; and he that does but suspect I will deceive him, gives me a sort of right to do so (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Philosophy is good advice, and no one gives good advice at the top of his lungs (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It does not matter how many books you have, but how good the books are which you have (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
When you die, it will not be because you are sick, but because you were alive (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
We ought to take outdoor walks, to refresh and raise our spirits by deep breathing in the open air (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It’s in the very trickery that it pleases me. But show me how the trick is done, and I have lost my interest therein (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The man who spends his time choosing one resort after another in a hunt for peace and quiet will in every place he visits find something to prevent him from relaxing (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The many speak highly of you, but have you really any grounds for satisfaction with yourself if you are the kind of person the many understand? (Seneca The Younger Quotes)