Seneca The Younger Quotes

Text Quotes
Every reign must submit to a greater reign (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He has committed the crime who profits by it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who has made a fair compact with poverty is rich (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who is brave is free (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Light troubles speak; the weighty are struck dumb (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Modesty forbids what the law does not (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No one is laughable who laughs at himself (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No untroubled day has ever dawned for me (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
One crime has to be concealed by another (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
One must steer, not talk (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Our care should not be to have lived long as to have lived enough (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Poverty wants some, luxury many, and avarice all things (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Shame may restrain what law does not prohibit (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Slavery takes hold of few, but many take hold of slavery (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
That is never too often repeated, which is never sufficiently learned (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The approach of liberty makes even an old man brave (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The first step in a person’s salvation is knowledge of their sin (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The heart is great which shows moderation in the midst of prosperity (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The mind unlearns with difficulty what it has long learned (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Those who boast of their descent, brag on what they owe to others (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
What is true belongs to me! (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Whatever is well said by another, is mine (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
When I think over what I have said, I envy dumb people (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Whenever the speech is corrupted so is the mind (Seneca The Younger Quotes)