Seneca The Younger Quotes

Text Quotes
The man who can be compelled knows not how to die (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He deserves praise who does not what he may, but what he ought (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
An old man at school is a contemptible and ridiculous object (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He, who will not pardon others, must not himself expect pardon (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Death is a release from and an end of all pains (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No work is of such merit as to instruct from a mere cursory perusal (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
So live with an inferior as you would wish a superior to live with you (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
That which has been endured with difficulty is remedied with delight (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Time hath often cured the wound which reason failed to heal (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let me therefore live as if every moment were to be my last (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is equally a fault to believe all men or to believe none (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
How great would be our peril if our slaves began to number us! (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Let ease and rest at times be given to the weary (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The mind does not easily unlearn what it has been long in learning (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Bear in mind that you commit a crime by injuring even a wicked brother (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Fortune may rob us of our wealth, not of our courage (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He may as well not thank at all, who thanks when none are by (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Remember, not one penny can we take with us into the unknown land (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
When you see a man in distress, recognize him as a fellow man (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
There has never been any great genius without a spice of madness (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
If you wish another to keep your secret, first keep it to yourself (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The guilt of enforced crimes lies on those who impose them (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
It is the fault of youth that it cannot restrain its own impetuosity (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
He who tenders doubtful safety to those in trouble refuses it (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Life, if thou knowest how to use it, is long enough (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The vices of idleness are only to be shaken off by active employment (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
No book can be so good, as to be profitable when negligently read (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
Whatsoever has exceeded its proper limit is in an unstable position (Seneca The Younger Quotes)
The road by precepts is tedious, by example, short and efficacious (Seneca The Younger Quotes)