Sense Of Wonder Quotes

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A good writer should be able to write comedic work that made you laugh, and scary stuff that made you scared, and fantasy or science fiction that imbued you with a sense of wonder, and mainstream journalism that gave you clear and concise information in a way that you wanted it (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
And sometimes it happened, for a time. That kind of love comes and goes and is hard to remember afterwards, like pain. You would look at the man one day and you would think, I loved you, and the tense would be past, and you would be filled with a sense of wonder, because it was such an amazing and precarious and dumb thing to have done; and you would know too why your friends have been evasive about it, at the time (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
This may be the primary purpose of dogs: to restore our sense of wonder and to help us maintain it, to make us consider that we should trust our intuition as they trust theirs and to help us realize that a thing known intuitively can be as real as anything known by material experience (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
To carry feelings of childhood into the powers of adulthood, to combine the child’s sense of wonder and novelty with the appearances which every day for years has rendered familiar, this is the character and privilege of genius, and one of the marks which distinguish it from talent (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
I brought my personality and sense of wonder and I think they wrote as much of my personality as they could. I do not go around kicking butt and saving the universe all the time but they tried to capture me as best as they could in the character (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
One travels so as to learn once more how to marvel at life in the way a child does. And blessed be the poet, the artist who knows how to keep alive his sense of wonder (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
At this point in my life, I find myself obsessed with alternate paths I could’ve taken. I don’t think about this with a sense of regret, but with a sense of wonder (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Nature’s beauty never fails to fill me with a sense of wonder and awe, and still, I refuse to go camping (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
I think a lot of people also have kids to reclaim th? innocence and experience it over again. I think it’s about staying curious and not losing the sense of wonder (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
The simple sense of wonder at the shapes of things, and at their exuberant independence of our intellectual standards and our trivial definitions, is the basis of spirituality (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
God can be addressed by any name that taste sweet to your tongue or pictured in any form that appeals to your sense of wonder and awe (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
I wake up every morning knowing how ridiculously lucky I am to be able to do what I love for a living, and that sense of wonder never, ever wears off (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
The point of sloths is to bring a sense of wonder, magic, and happiness to all other species. Did you know that every other animal’s favorite animal is the sloth? (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Not all lucid dreams are useful but they all have a sense of wonder about them. If you must sleep through a third of your life, why should you sleep through your dreams, too? (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
For as long as I can remember, the thing that gave me a sense of wonderment and renewal... has always been the work of other actors (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
It made me love talk that sought answers to questions that could help nobody, that could only keep alive in me that enthralling sense of wonder and awe in the face of the drama of human feeling which is hidden by the external drama of life (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Modern life has gotten so strange, we all get 150 emails and text messages a day, and it’s hard when things are moving that quickly to keep that sense of wonder about being alive (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
A society that could heal the dismembered world would recognize the inherent value of each person and of the plant, animal and elemental life that makes up the earth’s living body; it would offer real protection, encourage free expression, and reestablish an ecological balance to be biologically and economically sustainable. Its underlying metaphor would be mystery, the sense of wonder at all that is beyond us and around us, at the forces that sustain our lives and the intricate complexity and beauty of their dance (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
The art of a magician is to create wonder. If we live with a sense of wonder, our lives become filled with joy (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Suspend for a moment your disbelief and encounter once again the sense of wonder you knew when there was... magic! (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder. You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger. May you never take one single breath for granted. God forbid love ever leave you empty handed (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
The feeling of awe and sense of wonder arises from the recognition of the deep mystery that surrounds us everywhere, and this feeling deepens as our knowledge grows (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Actors should arouse a sense of wonder because of their ability to exceed what the spectators can envision ever being able to do (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Manga is virtual. Manga is sentiment. Manga is resistance. Manga is bizarre. Manga is pathos. Manga is destruction. Manga is arrogance. Manga is love. Manga is kitsch. Manga is sense of wonder. Manga is … there is no conclusion yet (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
That is why we need to travel. If we don’t offer ourself to the unknown, our senses dull. Our world becomes small and we lose our sense of wonder. Our eyes don’t lift to the horizon; our ears don’t hear the sounds around us. The edge is off our experience, and we pass our days in a routine that is both comfortable and limiting. We wake up one day and find that we have lost our dreams in order to protect our days (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years, the sterile preoccupation with things artificial, the alienation from the sources of our strength (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and humility (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world. In this long vigil he often has to vary his methods of stimulation; but in this long vigil he is also himself striving against a continual tendency to sleep (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)
Most photographers would feel a certain embarrassment in admitting publicly that they carried within them a sense of wonder, yet without it they would not produce the work they do, whatever their particular field (Sense Of Wonder Quotes)