Senses Quotes

Text Quotes
A real theatrical experience shakes the calm of the senses, liberates the compressed unconscious and drives towards a kind of potential revolt (Senses Quotes)
Poor mind, from the senses you take your arguments, and then want to defeat them? Your victory is your defeat (Senses Quotes)
Observe your cat. It is difficult to surprise him. Why? Naturally his superior hearing is part of the answer, but not all of it. He moves well, using his senses fully. He is not preoccupied with irrelevancies. He’s not thinking about his job or his image or his income tax. He is putting first things first, principally his physical security. Do likewise (Senses Quotes)
Pronoia is the antidote for paranoia. It’s the understanding that the universe is fundamentally friendly. It’s a mode of training your senses and intellect so you’re able to perceive the fact that life always gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it (Senses Quotes)
Sensual is everything that refers to the delight of the senses. And that’s what artists do, is stimulate the senses in any possible way (Senses Quotes)
If not then you must be trying to hear us and in such cases we cannot be heard. We remain in the darkness, unseen. In the center of unpeeled bananas, we exist. Uncolored by perception. Clothed to the naked eye. Five senses cannot sense the fact of our existence. And that’s the only fact. In fact, there are no facts (Senses Quotes)
Represent to yourself a dark city all burning and stinking with fire and brimstone. The damned are in the depth of hell within this woful city, where they suffer unspeakable torments in all their senses and members. Consider above all the eternity of their pains, which above all things makes hell intolerable (Senses Quotes)
Numbing the senses by monotonously repeating an assertion is a key element in utilizing mind control techniques (Senses Quotes)
Before you shoot an irresistible subject, mute all your senses except sight to find out how much is left for the camera to record (Senses Quotes)
Showing a greater fondness for their own opinions than for truth, they sought to deny and disprove the new things which, if they had cared to look for themselves, their own senses would have demonstrated to them (Senses Quotes)
If you are forced to confront your fears on a daily basis, they disintegrate, like illusions when viewed up close. Maybe being always protected made me more fearful, and I would later dip cautiously into the outside world, never allowing myself to be submerged completely, and always jerking back into the familiarity of my own life when my senses were overwhelmed. For years I would stand with a foot in each sphere, drawn to the exotic universe that lay on the other side of the portal, wrenched back by the warnings that sounded like alarm bells in my mind (Senses Quotes)
A person is alive only to the degree that he or she is aware. To make the most of life we must constantly strive to be aware of the importance of being aware. Be aware of your senses and use them: So often we are distracted and unconscious of the riches our senses can pour into our lives. We eat food without tasting it, listen to music without hearing it, smell without experiencing the pungency of odors and the delicacy of perfumes, touch without feeling the grain or texture, and see without appreciating the beauty around us (Senses Quotes)
When you undergo a visionary experience, what you are really doing is blowing your socially conditioned, 20th century, hive mind and allowing your brain to, literally, come to its senses (Senses Quotes)
I see myself as a man who is searching for meaning in life. This is rather different from being a staunch believer in something. A believer is someone who senses a consciousness or a direction and believes in it. The one who searches for meaning has not found the direction yet (Senses Quotes)
God, we thank you for this earth, our homes; for the wide sky and the blessed sun, for the salt sea and the running water, for the everlasting hills and the never resting winds, for trees and the common grass underfoot. We thank you for our senses by which we hear the songs of birds, and see the splendor of the summer fields, and taste of the autumn fruits, and rejoice in the feel of the snow, and smell the breath of the spring. Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty; and save our souls from being so blind that we pass unseeing when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory (Senses Quotes)
Do not go looking for problems to feed your soul. Just let life be your teacher. It will nourish you with its inevitable difficulties. How will you know whether you are letting life teach you and nourish you? If your physical senses become more sensitive to the beauty you see, the words of love you hear, and the life you feel touching your body and soul, then you know you have discovered the great value of misfortune (Senses Quotes)
The generality of men are so accustomed to judge of things by their senses that, because the air is indivisible, they ascribe but little to it, and think it but one remove from nothing (Senses Quotes)
Imagine yourself in the scene. See what there is to be seen. Listen to the sounds. Touch the world. Smell the air. Taste it. Use all of your senses. Then evoke those experiences for the reader. If you give the audience the flavor, they’ll flesh out the moment in their own imaginations (Senses Quotes)
There was a time when my whole life was in chaos, really, and I didn’t help myself sort it out. But one day I came to my senses, and I think I was lucky because a lot of people don’t (Senses Quotes)
Some of the best rock shows I ever saw were those appealing to all your senses (Senses Quotes)
Twitter has been my life’s work in many senses. It started with a fascination with cities and how they work, and what’s going on in them right now (Senses Quotes)
Children need nature for the healthy development of their senses, and therefore, for learning and creativity (Senses Quotes)
‘Tis certain that our senses are extremely disproportioned for comprehending the whole compass and latitude of things (Senses Quotes)
My musical knowledge is so bad it’s embarrassing. When composers discuss music with someone as primitive as myself, they have to talk about it in terms of senses and emotion, rather than keys and tempo (Senses Quotes)
All changes in space which we see, hear, smell or taste are literally tactile impressions. All our senses are variations of our unique sense of touch. Two approaching objects touch one another when they finally meet without a noticeable space between them... This is what happens in any condensing matter in which the outer aspects move towards a centre... Each single part of matter approaches its neighboring part until the two collide, causing an impact or a pressure. It is space, which appears and disappears between and round object and in the movements of the particles of the object (Senses Quotes)
There is a great probability that our loss of capacity for enjoying the positive joys of life is largely due to the decreased sensibility of our senses and our lack of full use of them. All human happiness is sensuous happiness (Senses Quotes)
When you’re sitting in front of a screen, you’re not using all of your senses at the same time. Nowhere than in nature do kids use their senses in such a stimulated way (Senses Quotes)
There is the physical world that we live in, which we perceive through the senses, but there are other worlds. Right in front of you there are other worlds, right now. Those worlds are as real, if you will, as the physical world (Senses Quotes)
Most people are completely oblivious to eternity. They look at the sky at night and they think that’s eternity; it is just the senses having contact in the sense world. There are other dimensions (Senses Quotes)
Happiness is in the mind and the mind is the universe. Your mind is the universe, not just this physical universe that you perceive through your senses (Senses Quotes)