Senses Quotes

Text Quotes
The essential attribute of a new sense is, not the perception of external objects or influences which ordinarily do not act upon the senses, but that external causes should excite in it a new and peculiar kind of sensation different from all the sensations of our five senses (Senses Quotes)
Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses. Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that by practice alone you can become expert (Senses Quotes)
I don’t believe civilization can do a lot more than educate a person’s senses (Senses Quotes)
A counted number of pulses only is given to us of a variegated, dramatic life. How may we see in them all that is to to be seen in them by the finest senses? (Senses Quotes)
Each day I live in a glass room unless I break it with the thrusting of my senses and pass through the splintered walls to the great landscape (Senses Quotes)
I was married for 18 years to a woman who wanted me to get sober for all 18 years and I never did. She finally came to her senses and divorced me (Senses Quotes)
Both our senses and our passions are a supply to the imperfection of our nature; thus they show that we are such sort of creatures as to stand in need of those helps which higher orders of creatures do not (Senses Quotes)
For disorder obstructs: besides, it doth disgust life, distract the appetities, and yield no true relish to the senses (Senses Quotes)
On recovering my senses, I hastened to quit a place where I hoped there was nothing further to detain me. I first filled my pockets with gold, then fastened the strings of the purse round my neck, and concealed it in my bosom (Senses Quotes)
Your senses are reeling all the time. Finally you find something to write and the very next day you go out and see something else which totally contradicts what you’ve written and every conclusion you’ve come to (Senses Quotes)
The eye is the most refined of our senses, the one which communicates most directly with our mind, our consciousness (Senses Quotes)
It’s very easy to say that something is a shadow of itself, and it may be true in some senses (Senses Quotes)
Nothing can be found in the intellect if previously has not been found in the senses (Senses Quotes)
When you start using senses you’ve neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes (Senses Quotes)
If we look at the realm of knowledge, how exceedingly small and limited is that part acquired through our own senses; how wide is that we gain from other sources (Senses Quotes)
If you live for pleasure, your ability to enjoy it may pass away and your senses grow dim (Senses Quotes)
All of science to me, everything that we have learned, is important to the extent that it brings us to our senses (Senses Quotes)
The whole memorial is for different senses... seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling. I probably would have come up with something different if I had not lived through it (Senses Quotes)
A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses and emotions of the artist’s world (Senses Quotes)
Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity (Senses Quotes)
We know that our senses are subject to decay, that from our middle years they are decaying all the time; but happily it is as if we didn’t know and didn’t believe (Senses Quotes)
I want people to be inspired that I’ve always strived for excellence and I’ve always gone beyond what anybody ever thought I could do, what I thought I myself could do. And I’ve allowed myself to be inspired, kept my eyes open and my senses open to inspiration around me (Senses Quotes)
He was one of those inexplicable gifts of nature, an artist who leaps over boundaries, changes our nervous systems, creates a new language, transmits new kinds of joy to our startled senses and spirits (Senses Quotes)
I try to use all of my senses when describing a setting, and try to think of everything that would impact a character in any given scene (Senses Quotes)
The plain man is familiar with blindness and deafness, and knows from his everyday experience that the look of things is influenced by his senses; but it never occurs to him to regard the whole world as the creation of his senses (Senses Quotes)
Every gesture is a gesture from the blood, every expression a symbolic utterance... Everything is of the blood, of the senses (Senses Quotes)
How hard it is, sometimes, to trust the evidence of one’s senses! How reluctantly the mind consents to reality (Senses Quotes)
The tantalizing and compelling pursuit of mathematical problems offers mental absorption, peace of mind amid endless challenges, repose in activity, battle without conflict, refuge from the goading urgency of contingent happenings, and the sort of beauty changeless mountains present to senses tried by the present day kaleidoscope of events (Senses Quotes)
All observers not laboring under hallucinations of the senses are agreed, or can be made to agree, about facts of sensible experience, through evidence toward which the intellect is merely passive, and over which the individual will and character have no control (Senses Quotes)
Voluptuaries, consumed by their senses, always begin by flinging themselves with a great display of frenzy into an abyss. But they survive, they come to the surface again. And they develop a routine of the abyss: It’s four o clock. At five I have my abyss (Senses Quotes)