Sensuous Quotes
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Text Quotes
If you saw me with my clothes off you’d see that my body is in great shape and ready to take on the world... I could snap my fingers and have any man I wanted, but I have too much respect for myself for that... People can look then wonder about the taste and the sensuous delights of the dish, but when it comes down to it they simply can’t afford such an expensive luxury (Sensuous Quotes)
In order to design buildings with a sensuous connection to life, one must think in a way that goes far beyond form and construction (Sensuous Quotes)
If a girl wears a shirt and a skirt, does she become more sensuous? I think a girl in a sari is more sensuous than a girl in a skirt. In my opinion, a wet sari is the most sensuous (Sensuous Quotes)
It is our fall from a simplicity and fullness of life directly experienced, from the sensuous moment of knowing, which leaves a gap that the symbolic can never bridge (Sensuous Quotes)
After half an hour the drug hit me like a sensuous tidal wave. I turned into a tactile temptress and wanted to stroke the whole world. It gave me untold confidence (Sensuous Quotes)
Our reason arises, at the very least, from this twofold lesson of sensuous revelations and human testimonies (Sensuous Quotes)
All the sleepers in a night of delution beholding so many dreams. In this world of darkness, only those who sever themselves from the meterial world, become absorbed in the contemplation of the supreme. None can be regarded as really woken up from sleep till they have renounced all sensuous delights (Sensuous Quotes)
There is a great probability that our loss of capacity for enjoying the positive joys of life is largely due to the decreased sensibility of our senses and our lack of full use of them. All human happiness is sensuous happiness (Sensuous Quotes)
When I concentrate on a specific site or place for which I am going to design a building, I try to plumb its depths, its form, its history and its sensuous qualities (Sensuous Quotes)
A painting or sculpture not modelled on any real object is every bit as concrete and sensuous as a leaf or a stone... but it is an incomplete art which privileges the intellect to the detriment of the senses (Sensuous Quotes)
What my art probably lacks is a kind of passionate humanity... There is no sensuous relationship, not even the noblest, between myself and the many (Sensuous Quotes)
Sensibility... is a direct and particular reaction to the separate and individual nature of things. It begins and ends with the sensuous apprehension of colour, texture and formal relations; and if we strive to organize these elements, it is not with the idea of increasing the knowledge of the mind, but rather in order to intensify the pleasure of the senses (Sensuous Quotes)
The generous abundance of her passion, without guile or trickery, was like a white flame which penetrated and found response in depths of his own sensuous nature that had never yet been reached (Sensuous Quotes)
It is well if the good man himself does not feel his devotions a little clouded, those foggy sensuous steams mingling with and polluting the pure altar surface (Sensuous Quotes)
By his very profession, a serious fiction writer is a vendor of the sensuous particulars of life, a perceiver and handler of things. His most valuable tools are his sense and his memory; what happens in his mind is primarily pictures (Sensuous Quotes)
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