Sentient Quotes
Text Quotes
Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children (Sentient Quotes)
As human beings, we are the genetic elite, the sentient, contemplating and innovating sum of countless genetic accidents and transcription errors (Sentient Quotes)
The tree is happy because it is scarcely sentient; the hard rock is happier still, it feels nothing: there is no pain as great as being alive, no burden heavier than that of conscious life (Sentient Quotes)
There is but one honest limit to the rights of a sentient being; it is where they touch the rights of another sentient being (Sentient Quotes)
The main point for me is moral; animals are sentient beings. I know for some this is a hard argument to accept, but we’re not built to eat a lot of meat (Sentient Quotes)
As long as the sky exists and as long as there are sentient beings, may I remain to help relieve them of all their pain (Sentient Quotes)
Inside us lies every possibility that is available to a sentient being. Every darkness, every light. It is the choices we make that decide who or what we will be (Sentient Quotes)
Consciousness is part of our nature as sentient beings, but doesn't mean we are aware at a particular moment. By perceiving our consciousness - becoming conscious of consciousness, we become aware (Sentient Quotes)
He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface (Sentient Quotes)
Wordless is not the same of expressionless. All phenomenon of the universe, audible and inaudible, tangible and intangible, sentient and insentient, are the clear and ceaseless expression of the buddha nature (Sentient Quotes)
It is love; love, the comfort of the human species, the preserver of the universe, the soul of all sentient beings, love, tender love (Sentient Quotes)
All breathing, existing, living, sentient creatures should not be slain nor treated with violence, nor abused, nor tormented, nor driven away. This is the pure unchangeable law (Sentient Quotes)
I pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we may succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love, and that in doing so we may reduce the pain and suffering of all sentient beings (Sentient Quotes)
I’m always pushing for human responsibility. Given that chimpanzees and many other animals are sentient and sapient, then we should treat them with respect (Sentient Quotes)
The primary dues a writer or any artist pays is to remain sentient, and to forfeit the illusionary luxury of such anesthetics as avoidance, numbness, and denials (Sentient Quotes)
Creation is a sentient and instinctual flow that determines where to go and what to change or omit (Sentient Quotes)
Music can make the cerebral accessible, the subconscious hummable. It communicates our shared needs and desires as sentient beings better than any other medium (Sentient Quotes)
Completely trusting a way that you can’t do by yourself, that you do with all sentient beings, is immediate liberation (Sentient Quotes)
The wheel goes round and round and round forever. Pleasure, pain, birth and death, lifetime after lifetime, it is endless. All sentient beings experience this, the endless dance of life, the lila (Sentient Quotes)
One of the remarks made by farmers at their public discussion of these problems suggest that they are rapidly ceasing to think of animals as sentient beings at all. If you handle vast numbers of creatures which are in any case going to die soon, it is, I suppose, easy to get into a state of mind in which they seem to be merely machines (Sentient Quotes)
It’s probably weird to think about an addiction like it’s a sentient being, but that’s how it feels. Like it’s something living inside you. Something you can’t get rid of because killing it means killing you (Sentient Quotes)
My advice for people is to love the world they are in, in whatever way makes sense to them. It may be a devotional practice, it may be song or poetry, it may be by gardening, it may be as an activist, scientist, or community leader. The path to restoration extends from our heart to the heart of sentient beings, and that path will be different for every person (Sentient Quotes)
To our human minds, computers behave less like rocks and trees than they do like humans, so we unconsciously treat them like people... In other words, humans have special instincts that tell them how to behave around other sentient beings, and as soon as any object exhibits sufficient cognitive function, those instincts kick in and we react as though we were interacting with another sentient human being (Sentient Quotes)
We torture and kill two billion sentient living beings every week. 10,000 entire species are wiped out every year because of the actions of one, and we are now facing the sixth mass extinction in cosmological history. If any other organism did this, a biologist would consider them a virus (Sentient Quotes)
There is no logical basis to support the theory that plants feel pain. The dubious possibility that they might, however, is no justification for killing obviously sentient beings. Any rational person understands the striking difference between slitting the throat of a sentient animal and plucking a fruit or a vegetable (Sentient Quotes)
Even if a bodhisattva investigates the highest wisdom, one is not a proper bodhisattva unless one applies skillful means for the benefit of other sentient beings (Sentient Quotes)
Do we, as humans, having an ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgments using the accumulated knowledge of the ages, have the right to take the lives of other sentient organisms, particularly when we are not forced to do so by hunger or dietary need, but rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat? In essence, should we know better? (Sentient Quotes)
Unceasing change turns the wheel of life, and so reality is shown in all it’s many forms. Dwell peacefully as change itself liberates all suffering sentient beings and brings them great joy (Sentient Quotes)
There is a simple way to become buddha: When you refrain from unwholesome actions, are not attached to birth and death, and are compassionate toward all sentient beings, respectful to seniors and kind to juniors, not excluding or desiring anything, with no designing thoughts or worries, you will be called a buddha. Do not seek anything else (Sentient Quotes)
Should we find a second form of life right here on our doorstep, we could be confident that life is a truly cosmic phenomenon. If so, there may well be sentient beings somewhere in the galaxy wondering, as do we, if they are not alone in the universe (Sentient Quotes)