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Septic Quotes

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Pride is a wound, and vanity is the scab on it. One’s life picks at the scab to open the wound again and again. In men, it seldom heals and often grows septic  (Septic Quotes) We can regard the gulag as a septic tank used by totalitarian kitsch to dispose of its refuse  (Septic Quotes) But I couldn’t cut that whole septic tank scene out because the audience liked it so much. So I sort of fell right back into getting a cheap laugh, but I still loved it  (Septic Quotes) You might be a redneck if your anniversary present was getting the septic tank pumped  (Septic Quotes) The idea of some people being less than people is poison to any society and needs to be named as such in order to halt its spread before it turns the soul of a society septic.  (Septic Quotes)