Serene Quotes
Text Quotes
The wind may blow and then cease, and the sea shall swell and then weary, but the heart of life is a sphere quiet and serene, and the star that shines therein is fixed for evermore (Serene Quotes)
We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil (Serene Quotes)
Pursue not the outer entanglements; Dwell not in the inner void; Be serene in the oneness of things; And dualism vanishes by itself (Serene Quotes)
I could no longer afford to be jealous or unfriendly, because, as soon as I was, a bandage came down over my eyes, and I was bound hand and foot and cast aside. All at once a black hole opened, and I was helpless inside it. But when I was happy and serene, approached people with confidence and thought well of them, I was rewarded with light (Serene Quotes)
In legal practice, in the representation of clients, I have always felt deeply engaged, serene, and not all inclined to stand aside. I have always done whatever needed to be done, and have usually gotten my way (Serene Quotes)
Now imagine that you are going beneath the surface of the ocean. Below the surface all is calm, silent, and serene. As you visualize yourself going deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean, feel that a profound peace is entering you (Serene Quotes)
If you are sure that you are about to fail, then this strange and serene calmness can come over you or the most abject fear and panic and feeling of helplessness (Serene Quotes)
Throw away those little pieces of paper. Get yourself a big, beautiful canvas. Bring from this nature the most beautiful colors. Find the serene scene within. Find the joy in each corner of your life. Sit still and feel what is within you. Sit still and paint like you have never painted before (Serene Quotes)
There is no man more pusillanimous than I when I am planning a campaign. I purposely exaggerate all the dangers and all the calamities that the circumstances make possible. I am in a thoroughly painful state of agitation. This does not keep me from looking quite serene in front of my entourage; I am like an unmarried girl laboring with child. Once I have made up my mind, everything is forgotten except what leads to success (Serene Quotes)
Justice, love, truth, peace and harmony, a serene unity with science and the laws of the universe (Serene Quotes)
When I think of the flag... I see alternate strips of parchment upon which are written the rights of liberty and justice, and stripes of blood to vindicate those rights, and then, in the corner, a prediction of the blue serene into which every nation may swim which stands for these great things (Serene Quotes)
The superior thing... was to be late. Lateness showed that serene contempt for the illusion we call time which is so necessary to ensure the respect of others and oneself. Only the servile are punctual (Serene Quotes)
Autumn days have a holiness that spring lacks... They are like old serene saints for whom death has lost its terror (Serene Quotes)
Everything in the country, animate and inanimate, seems to whisper, be serene, be kind, be happy. We grow tolerant there unconsciously (Serene Quotes)
I venture that those of us who are most serene when faced with the possibility of nothingness are the ones who’ve reached furthest to the downward and upward of their beings (Serene Quotes)
To speak less is wisdom, to eat less is healthy, and to mingle less with te people is safe and serene (Serene Quotes)
The poet’s body even is not fed like other men’s, but he sometimes tastes the genuine nectar and ambrosia of the gods, and lives adivine life. By the healthful and invigorating thrills of inspiration his life is preserved to a serene old age (Serene Quotes)
Whatever beauty we behold, the more it is distant, serene, and cold, the purer and more durable it is. It is better to warm ourselves with ice than with fire (Serene Quotes)
Enthusiasm produces the most cruel disorders in human society; but its fury is like that of thunder and tempest, which exhaust themselves in a little time, and leave the air more calm and serene than before (Serene Quotes)
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim. It is seemingly instantaneous at last (Serene Quotes)
Let us not forget: we are a pilgrim church, subject to misunderstanding, to persecution, but a church that walks serene, because it bears the force of love (Serene Quotes)
If a person’s basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience (Serene Quotes)
All sense of hearing and of sight enfold in the serene delight and quietude of sleep (Serene Quotes)
She loves the serene brutality of the ocean, loves the electric power she felt with each breath of wet, briny air (Serene Quotes)
The most certain sign of wisdom is continual cheerfulness; her state is like the things above the moon, always clear and serene (Serene Quotes)
Serene will be our days, and bright and happy will our nature be, when love is an unerring light, and joy its own security (Serene Quotes)
Let us praise the noble turkey vulture: No one envies him; he harms nobody; and he contemplates our little world from a most serene and noble height (Serene Quotes)
Waves of a serene life pass over us from time to time, like flakes of sunlight over the fields in cloudy weather (Serene Quotes)
If our hours were all serene, we might probably take almost as little note of them as the dial does of those that are clouded (Serene Quotes)
If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the looting started (Serene Quotes)