Sergei Lavrov Quotes

Text Quotes
Russia is doing all it can to promote early stabilisation in Ukraine (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
The E.U.’s Eastern Partnership programme is designed to bind the so-called focus states tightly to itself, shutting down the possibility of co-operation with Russia. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
I can only say that I have good personal relations with all secretaries of state with whom I have a chance to work. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Hours before the Georgian invasion, Russia had been working to secure a United Nations Security Council statement calling for a renunciation of force by both Georgia and South Ossetians. The statement that could have averted bloodshed was blocked by western countries. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Shouldn’t the General Assembly adopt a declaration on the inadmissibility of interference into domestic affairs of sovereign states and nonrecognition of coup d’etats as a method of the change of power? (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
If you think that a coup to overthrow the elected government is a coup everywhere, then you should remember how elections in Ukraine took place in 2004, how elections in Georgia took place in 2003, when the elections results have been torn and thrown away by revolutionary action. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Assertions that Russia has undermined efforts to strengthen partnerships on the European continent do not correspond to the facts. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
The attempts to distort the truth and to hide the facts behind blanket accusations have been undertaken at all stages of the Ukrainian crisis. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
We can say that Japan is the only country that calls into question the outcome of the Second World War; no one else does. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Russia would prefer to rebuild trust rather than allow it to further corrode. That’s why, in July 2007, President Putin, in the spirit of strategic openness, proposed a truly collective effort at missile defense for Europe. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Regarding the visa-free regime, it has undoubtedly become a problem for the European Union, above all in terms of its capacity to reach agreements. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Humanitarian issues must bring together all people who act in good faith trying to alleviate the suffering of people in dire need - especially women, children and the elderly. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
You either deny terrorists any acceptance in the international life, or you make your double standard policy work the way it has been working - ‘I don’t like that guy in this country, so we will be calling him a dictator and topple him. This guy in another country also dictatorial, but he’s our dictator.’ (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Russia probably knows the true cost of revolutions better than most other countries (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
NATO has a special relationship with countries far away from Europe: Australia, Japan, South Korea. They have joint projects and programmes which are being implemented without these countries becoming members of NATO. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
The U.S.-led western alliance, while acting as an advocate of democracy, rule of law and human rights, is acting from the opposite position, rejecting the democratic principle of the sovereign right of states enshrined in the U.N. Charter and trying to decide for others what is good and what is bad. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
Our stand is crystal-clear - we want peace in Ukraine, which can only be attained through broad national dialogue in which all regions and all political forces of the country must participate. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
For years, we have been asking the E.U. to create something similar to the Russia-NATO council. Not in order to simply exchange opinions and work out recommendations, but to make decisions. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
We provide transit facilities, we cooperate in equipping the Afghan army and security forces with arms and helicopters, we cooperate in training officers for law enforcement agencies. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)
When the Georgian army started this assault against the sleeping city of Tskhinvali, the Georgian peacekeepers, serving in one contingent with their Russian friends, joined the army and started killing the Russian comrades in arms. (Sergei Lavrov Quotes)