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I had always thought of myself as fairly tough and fairly strong and fairly able to cope with anything. And then I had a series of personal losses. My mother died. A relationship that I was in came to end, and a variety of other things went awry  (Series Quotes) No conclusion is more fully established, than the important fact of the total absence of any vestiges of the human species throughout the entire series of geological formations  (Series Quotes) Life is a series of triumphs and disappointments. Once you harness the disappointments, your triumphs will be greater  (Series Quotes) I have three dogs at home. Even after losing a series or winning a series, they treat me the same way  (Series Quotes) Life is a series of avoiding horrible situations until ultimately you’re dead. That’s how I feel about things  (Series Quotes) In the technical realm, we repeatedly enter into a series of social contracts, the terms of which are revealed only after the signing  (Series Quotes) Film can express things that computers never will. Film is a series of photographs separated by split seconds of darkness. Film is light and shadow  (Series Quotes) God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease  (Series Quotes) The present moment is changing so fast that we often do not notice its existence at all. Every moment of mind is like a series of pictures passing through a projector. Some of the pictures come from sense impressions. Others come from memories of past experiences or from fantasies of the future  (Series Quotes) Art must take reality by surprise. It takes those moments which are for us merely a moment, plus a moment, plus another moment, and arbitrarily transforms them into a special series of moments held together by a major emotion  (Series Quotes) I don’t like to read books where I feel as though I’ve stepped into the middle of things and don’t know what’s going on. I like to see characters I’ve met before, but I don’t want to feel left out because I haven’t read other books in the series  (Series Quotes) Series television is either a nightmare or the best thing in the whole world. It really depends on, I think, where you are in your life  (Series Quotes) I count it as a major victory to not only be on a series that’s had a full season run, but to actually be on one that’s gotten picked up for a second season  (Series Quotes) When you’re on a series that’s been cancelled, there’s a little bit of a stink on you  (Series Quotes) Well, you know, I don’t think anyone who writes a television series has a master plan from the beginning, and knows all the character traits, and everything that’s going to happen  (Series Quotes) It is quite different, but I love doing a series because you get to live with a character for a much longer amount of time. And the other aspect of it is that you have a steady job  (Series Quotes) The writing day can be, in some ways, too short, but it’s actually a long series of hours, for months at a time, and there is a stillness there  (Series Quotes) I believe the most intricate plot won’t matter much to readers if they don’t care about the characters, especially in a series. So I try to focus hard on making each character, whether villain or hero, have an interesting flaw that readers can relate to  (Series Quotes) You know, it’s scary when you sign onto a pilot of a series because, as much as you want the series to go, you also want it to be a character that you’d be interested in playing for a long time  (Series Quotes) The divergent series are the invention of the devil, and it is a shame to base on them any demonstration whatsoever. By using them, one may draw any conclusion he pleases and that is why these series have produced so many fallacies and so many paradoxes  (Series Quotes) I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or a series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgment  (Series Quotes) I’m married now, so I have a life. I had to get a life. That’s one thing I really had to do, you know. You do that kind of work on television series after television series and you don’t have a life. So, that’s part of what I did while I was gone, I got a life  (Series Quotes) I know I’m intellectually capable of finding a series of things and making hundreds of millions. I have to get there and do it. Carefully. Legally  (Series Quotes) Listen, a cable series is a beautiful thing because there’s such amazing writing happening on television, and it’s a schedule that allows you to do a play or two. There’s a reason everybody wants that job!  (Series Quotes) When you’re playing a character in a book, there’s already a lot of pressure because all of the millions of people who have read the series have been able to envision and become very attached to the characters  (Series Quotes) The body and mind are continually changing, and are, in fact, only names of series of changeful phenomena, like rivers whose waters are in a constant state of flux, yet presenting the appearance of unbroken streams. Every particle in this body is continually changing; no one has the same body for many minutes together, and yet we think of it as the same body  (Series Quotes) What do we call the river? Every moment the water is changing, the shore is changing, every moment the environment is changing, what is the river then? It is the name of this series of changes  (Series Quotes) During the late afternoon and early evening there is a specific dimension that interconnects with our physical world. This particular dimension can be visualized as series of horizontally shaped geometric planes that extent out into infinity  (Series Quotes) The mind is infinite. It is not relegated to the brain or to thought or to emotion. It is made up of an endless series of realities that stretch on into infinity  (Series Quotes) I think of every book as a single entity, and some have later gone on to become a series, often at the request of readers  (Series Quotes)
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