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If you go to pilot then you are probably going to go to series. That’s my feeling about it  (Series Quotes) Most development doesn’t make it to series. So you want the writer and director to have a really good experience with development because, if it doesn’t work out, you want to work with them again. You have to know their work really well, know the drafts really well, and when you give notes, you need to have really thought them through  (Series Quotes) God does not make us holy in the sense of character; He makes us holy in the sense of innocence, and we have to turn that innocence into holy character by a series of moral choices  (Series Quotes) When someone leaves an office, often there’s a series of successors until you settle on one  (Series Quotes) Writing a song is like playing a series of downs in football: Lots of rules, timing is crucial, lots of boundaries, lots of protective gear, lots of stopping and starting  (Series Quotes) Remember that nearly all extraordinary accomplishments began by overcoming a series of challenges that discourage and tempt us to quit, before we succeed. Those that maintain faith, stay committed, follow through and keep moving forward are the few that achieve everything they want in life. Be one of the few  (Series Quotes) Reincarnation is a process in which a finite being will go through a series of transmutations and will perceive different things. There will be a continuity of perception  (Series Quotes) The difficult thing about shooting a television series is that you never have enough time. You really don’t  (Series Quotes) You hear about actors who were doing five years on a series as lovers and actually hated each other. I don’t know if I could pull it off  (Series Quotes) I can sort of will that stuff to happen to me if I put myself in the right headspace. Then I can actually get to a space where it won’t just be one song that comes through, but a series of them  (Series Quotes) I believe that it may happen that one will succeed, and one must not begin to despair, even though defeated here and there; and even though one sometimes feels a kind of decay, though things go differently from the expected, it is necessary to take heart again and new courage. For the great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed. What is drawing? How does one learn it? It is working through an invisible iron wall that seems to stand between what one feels and what one can do  (Series Quotes) Human beings were not well served by permanence or stasis. Obviously, if individuals were progressing, they were undergoing a series of presumably desirable alterations, but in a universe where flux is fundamental, it can be argued that even change for the worse is preferable to no change at all. Isn’t fixity the hallmark of the living dead?  (Series Quotes) It would be a very bad idea... to exhibit even a small number of this new series, as the whole effect can only be achieved from an exhibition of the entire group  (Series Quotes) Between you and every goal that you wish to achieve, there is a series of obstacles, and the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacles  (Series Quotes) Bad art might be defined as a series of bad choices about what to show and what to leave out  (Series Quotes) Only the series of colors on the canvas with all their power and vibrancy could, in combination with each other, render the chromatic feeling of that landscape  (Series Quotes) Have you ever fully realized that life is, after all, merely a series of habits, and that it lies entirely within one’s own power to determine just what that series shall be?  (Series Quotes) It is said that history turns on small hinges. A human career, too, results from an accumulating series of decisions about large and small matters over a period of years. But the catch is that you can never know when a seemingly small decision may prove to be, from the vantage of later years, the big decision of your life  (Series Quotes) Let a series of happy thoughts run through your mind. They will show on your face  (Series Quotes) The teacher is not a person; they’re a field of energy. They’re a series of levels of attention. While they have a body and appear to be there, they’re not  (Series Quotes) Success is processional. It’s the result of a series of small disciplines that lead us into habitual patterns of success that no longer require consistent will or effort  (Series Quotes) Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities. And not just material possibilities, but also possibilities of meaning, of feeling, and of intuiting. You choose everything you experience from these possibilities, so quantum physics is a way of understanding your life as one long series of choices that are in themselves the ultimate acts of creativity  (Series Quotes) You are fighting against nothingness all the time by creating a series of shields that you call personality, life history, feelings, ideas, and ways of seeing  (Series Quotes) Life is a series of dreams, a series of interlocking awarenesses. I don’t necessarily believe in linear time. Everything happens all at once forever  (Series Quotes) The ladder of success isn’t a ladder. It’s a series of steps with leaps interspersed along the way  (Series Quotes) When we dream, we create. All of life is a dream or a series of waking dreams. We dream our surroundings. We dream our friends, our relations. We dream our bodies. We dream our dreams  (Series Quotes) I want to make a series of movies that run together, so if any crazy lunatic wants to watch them all in a row, there will be a consistency of tone  (Series Quotes) But my dear, so few things are fulfilled: what are most lives but a series of incomplete episodes  (Series Quotes) It’s rare to work on a series without a writer. If you have a question about a line, then phone calls have to be made  (Series Quotes) Perhaps the heroic element in our natures is exhibited to the best advantage, not in going from success to success, and so on through a series of triumphs, but in gathering, on the very field of defeat itself, the materials for renewed efforts, and in proceeding, with no abatement of heart or energy, to form fresh designs upon the very ruins and ashes of blasted hopes. Yes, it is this indomitable persistence in a purpose, continued alike through defeat and success, that makes, more than aught else, the hero  (Series Quotes)
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