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A book series is never truly over. The story lives on, even when the final page has been turned  (Series Quotes) What I’ve always found interesting in gardens is looking at what people choose to plant there. What they put in. What they leave out. One small choice and then another, and soon there is a mood, an atmosphere, a series of limitations, a world  (Series Quotes) The dream is a series of images, which are apparently contradictory and nonsensical, but arise in reality from psychologic material which yields a clear meaning  (Series Quotes) A man’s life from birth to death was a series of transition rites which brought him nearer and nearer to his ancestors  (Series Quotes) The earlier truths are not expelled but absorbed, not contradicted but extended; and the history of each science, which may thus appear like a succession of revolutions, is, in reality, a series of developements  (Series Quotes) There should be a drama series about women trying to figure out their mystery leg bruises  (Series Quotes) I was motivated by the fact that I wasn’t happy with my play in this series and felt accountable to the guys. That’s enough motivation to want to play well  (Series Quotes) ...evolution is the gradual development and stratification of progressive series of wholes, stretching from the inorganic beginnings to the highest level of spiritual creation  (Series Quotes) To write three series a year you only need to commit to writing 10 pages per day, or editing 50 pages of text per day. Plus, writing is my job, and I need to write to eat, so I’m highly motivated to get up and get to work!  (Series Quotes) Chaos theory simply suggests that what appears to most people as chaos is not really chaotic, but a series of different types of orders with which the human mind has not yet become familiar  (Series Quotes) Activity proneness in the service of an ideology... leads the individual into an irreversible series of commitments from which is forged an identity to which the individual inevitably becomes strongly attached psychologically  (Series Quotes) I don’t really have a nemesis, but I have a series of hundreds of small enemies that fuel me. Everyone I meet I assume is out to get me and that fuels my fire on a daily basis  (Series Quotes) If you have one good series, you know, it’s a blessing. Two good series is unusual. Three is a phenomenon  (Series Quotes) Dialectical thought is related to vulgar thinking in the same way that a motion picture is related to a still photograph. The motion picture does not outlaw the still photograph but combines a series of them according to the laws of motion  (Series Quotes) Cable series have more time to focus on characters, and a structure that allows for a development in character as you go along. Network shows have a pressure of time and space that is completely different  (Series Quotes) In each age there is a series of pressing questions which must be asked and answered. On the correctness of the questions depends the survival of those who ask; on the quality of the answers depends the quality of the life those survivors will lead  (Series Quotes) It is because of our unassailable enthusiasm, our profound reverence for education, that we habitually demand of it the impossible. The teacher is expected to perform a choice and varied series of miracles  (Series Quotes) Writing is more than just the making of a series of comprehensible statements: it is the gathering in of connotations; the harvesting of them, like blackberries in a good season, ripe and heavy, snatched from among the thorns of logic  (Series Quotes) If I get an idea for a series that I really like, I’m sure I won’t be able to resist coming back and doing it  (Series Quotes) Life was a series of messes, and one spent one’s time cleaning them up; if one had any heart at all one also gave a part of one’s time to cleaning up those of other people  (Series Quotes) When we talk, answer questions, I’m addressing your tonal. I’m teaching you a way or a series of ways of dealing with the world  (Series Quotes) You don’t learn to write by going through a series of preset writing exercises. You learn to write by grappling with a real subject that truly matters to you  (Series Quotes) When you’re not the lead on a series, you work intermittently, even if you’re in every episode  (Series Quotes) I started to write a series of fantasy novels when I was eleven. I have never taken anything artistic as seriously; since then, writing has felt like an attempt to get back there, to my bedroom, my maps, those races and languages and runes  (Series Quotes) And the thing is, every time you start a new show or do a new series, you’re committing to another six years  (Series Quotes) For me, acting is a series of impressions rather than trying to find one line through to the end, which risks becoming more of a presentation  (Series Quotes) To say that gender is performative is a little different because for something to be performative means that it produces a series of effects. We act and walk and speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman  (Series Quotes) Death meant little to me. It was the last joke in a series of bad jokes  (Series Quotes) Most fiction series are written so that the reader can come in at any point and not feel lost, but if you can start at the beginning, why not?  (Series Quotes) So there really was a whole series of things that took the women of my generation a little bit of time to push forward  (Series Quotes)
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