Serious Quotes

Text Quotes
I think of myself as a serious artist. Sometimes you can get in your head too much about that and forget that you have to have fun. I’ve been guilty in my career about that at times. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought I didn’t want anybody else to have a hit with it! (Serious Quotes)
There’s something about comedy, funny things, that people want to pass them along. Serious things and personal things are much more privately enjoyed. That’s why there are not a lot of sad viral videos (Serious Quotes)
I never smile when I have a bat in my hands. That’s when you’ve got to be serious (Serious Quotes)
There are really no serious arguments for communion in the hand. But there are the most gravely serious kinds of arguments against it (Serious Quotes)
It is not kindness to tell patients that need strong medicine that nothing serious is wrong with them (Serious Quotes)
I always had a fantasy of meeting a girl who was as serious as I was (Serious Quotes)
And this is why studying the history of psi is important. People have been reporting these phenomena for millennia and studying them for centuries. Human experiences that continue to be repeated throughout history and across cultures, are not due to ignorance or lack of critical thinking, and demand a serious explanation (Serious Quotes)
Making the decision to do more serious work raises eyebrows. It’s less easy for the industry to deal with (Serious Quotes)
Your body is like a piece of dynamite. You can tap it with a pencil all day, but you’ll never make it explode. You hit it once with a hammer: Bang! Get serious. Do 40 hard minutes, not an hour and half of nonsense. It’s so much more rewarding (Serious Quotes)
There are many different ways of categorizing news. It doesn’t have to be just war and famine and serious politics (Serious Quotes)
I wish that I wasn’t such an odd mixture. I wish I was serious, but I do love high heels and romantic comedies: being in them and watching them (Serious Quotes)
I knew I was in the vicinity of a serious lesson, if not about how to live life, then at least how to put some poetry into your craven retreat from it (Serious Quotes)
The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious twentieth century scientific theory has become a reality for evolutionary biologists (Serious Quotes)
This impeccably researched study of the classic black insult game may be the funniest work of serious scholarship ever published (Serious Quotes)
Revolution is a serious thing, the most serious thing about a revolutionarys life. When one commits oneself to the struggle, it must be for a lifetime (Serious Quotes)
The most serious charge that can be brought against modern benevolence is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression (Serious Quotes)
The current political tension is very serious. We have not yet ruled out a boycott of the election (Serious Quotes)
From this I conclude that the best education for the situations of actual life consists of the experience we acquire from the study of serious history. For it is history alone which without causing us harm enables us to judge what is the best course in any situation or circumstance (Serious Quotes)
The appeal of science fiction has always been its iconoclasm... But in order to be an iconoclast, an author must be more than merely aware of the idol he wishes to destroy. He must be intimate with it and understand it in all its aspects. This means that he must have devoted serious thought to it, and have beliefs of his own which will stand up in the place of the broken idol. In other words, any child can complain, but it takes an adult to clash with accepted beliefs... an adult with ideas (Serious Quotes)
Playing rapid chess, one can lose the habit of concentrating for several hours in serious chess. That is why, if a player has big aims, he should limit his rapidplay in favour of serious chess (Serious Quotes)
I’ve seen people recover physical abilities, yet never get over emotional trauma after a serious accident. I’ve seen other people overcome the psychological and emotional trauma of a serious illness even though they may never fully regain their physical capabilities. Which is the greater healing? Which is the better recovery? If I had the option of choosing between a mediocre life with eyesight or the life I have today, even though I am blind, I’d stay blind and keep the life I have (Serious Quotes)
I’ve seen many lives destroyed. I’ve seen more people have problems with gambling than I have with drugs and alcohol. And there are some serious consequences if you get in over your head (Serious Quotes)
When we think about the people with whom we work, people on whom we depend, we can see that without each individual, we are not going to go very far as a group. By ourselves, we suffer serious limitations. Together we can be something wonderful (Serious Quotes)
Transcendence is the only real alternative to extinction. This is serious. This may be the ultimate final exam (Serious Quotes)
The movie industry is failing women. And until the industry starts making serious changes, nothing is going to change (Serious Quotes)
I want a serious girlfriend. Somebody I can love, that’s gonna love me back. Is that psycho? (Serious Quotes)
Today women in many countries are taking part in various types of movements of protest, some of which are serious struggles for economic and social emancipation (Serious Quotes)
In reality, I don’t think that many of the policies we’ve attempted to apply to deal with it are going to have any serious effect (Serious Quotes)
Part of the problem with extreme patriotism is that it makes the support of one’s country and its policies unconditional. Moderate patriots, on the other hand, see that taking morality seriously requires that our commitment to our country be conditional in two ways. First, the actions or policies of a government must be worthy of support or, at least, must not be serious violations of morality. When nations behave immorally, patriots need not support them (Serious Quotes)
The best way to accomplish serious design... is to be totally and completely unqualified for the job (Serious Quotes)