Serious Things Quotes
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There’s something about comedy, funny things, that people want to pass them along. Serious things and personal things are much more privately enjoyed. That’s why there are not a lot of sad viral videos (Serious Things Quotes)
Putting a man in space is a stunt: the man can do no more than an instrument, in fact can do less. There are far more serious things to do than indulge in stunts... I do not discard completely the value of demonstrating to the world our skills. Nor do I undervalue the effect on morale of the spectacular. But the present hullabaloo on the propaganda aspects of the program leaves me entirely cool (Serious Things Quotes)
I think that comedy is one of the more serious things that you can do in our day, especially in the world that we’re living in (Serious Things Quotes)
Anybody is qualified, according to everybody, for giving opinions upon poetry. It is not so in chemistry and mathematics. Nor is it so, I believe, in whist and the polka. But then these are more serious things (Serious Things Quotes)
Yet compared with the serious things of life, fishing is after all rather trivial. The thoughtful angler must frankly confess this (Serious Things Quotes)
We should treat all the trivial things of life seriously, and all the serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality (Serious Things Quotes)
Serious things cannot be understood without laughable things, nor opposites at all without opposites (Serious Things Quotes)
She knew that she belonged to this man, body and soul. Every trace of shame departed; it was burnt out by the fire that consumed her. She gave him a thousand opportunities; she fought to turn his words to serious things. He baffled her with his shallow smile and ready tongue, that twisted all topics to triviality. By six o’clock she was morally on her knees before him; she was imploring him to stay to dinner with her. He refused (Serious Things Quotes)
And that works for me. So that if this is it, you better take it at its right proportion. That there are serious things, but most things are temporal and ephemeral, and you should cultivate that attitude. That joy and love and all the verities are what counts. So I try not to take too many things seriously, and if I find myself caught up in the seriousness of the moment, within a period of time, I’m able to cajole myself out of it (Serious Things Quotes)
In the end, art is small beer. The really serious things are earning one’s living so as not to be a parasite and loving one’s neighbor (Serious Things Quotes)
I’ve not really had a bad Christmas. Apart from serious things, like when my father died. He rather spoiled the party and I’ve never forgiven him for falling off the twig on Christmas Day (Serious Things Quotes)
It is my belief, you cannot deal with the most serious things in the world unless you understand the most amusing (Serious Things Quotes)
While the storm was erupting, she stayed, staring at it, watching the shafts of lightning, like someone who could see serious things, far away in the future in these sudden flashes of light (Serious Things Quotes)
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